From pimples to swelling, these signs of liver damage are visible on the face and neck, check today.

Symptoms of liver damage: Liver is an important organ of our body which if it does not function properly, toxins start accumulating in the blood and can lead to many problems like liver damage, liver failure. In such a situation, it is necessary for the liver to function properly to remove toxins from the body … Read more

Cirrhosis of the liver is this a warning sign? | Liver | liver cirrhosis | Health Live

Liver cirrhosis is a serious liver disease. This occurs when the liver tissues are permanently damaged, that is, these tissues cannot be recovered. This is a liver disease. In fact, the liver is an important organ that works to refine nutrients. It works by removing many toxic toxins from the body. But when bad tissue … Read more

These are the warning signs of liver cirrhosis… Must recognize them

Liver Cirrhosis Symptoms: Liver cirrhosis is a serious medical condition of liver disease. This happens when the tissues of the liver are permanently damaged, that is, the recovery of these tissues is not possible. This is a condition of liver damage. Actually, liver is an important organ which works to refine nutrients. It works to … Read more

Liver Damage: 7 Warning Signs And Symptoms of Dying Liver That Should NOT be Ignored

Signs of liver damage: Your liver makes an important contribution to your overall health. The liver is responsible for metabolic functions such as converting nutrients from your diet so your body can use them and making sure toxins are removed before they can cause damage. However, when your liver is in trouble and not working … Read more