When medications don’t help relieve depression, try this natural method, your body and mind will be filled with happiness.

Mental Health: When medications fail to relieve depression, try this natural method, your body and mind will be filled with happiness. Source link

कहीं आपका बच्चा भी तो नहीं है डिप्रेशन का शिकार, जानिए इसके लक्षण

Mental Health: कहीं आपका बच्चा भी तो नहीं है डिप्रेशन का शिकार, जानिए इसके लक्षण Source link

Mental Health Tips: 5 Telltale SIGNS Your Stress Levels Need Attention

It’s important to note that while the acute stress response is normal in human beings, chronic exposure to elevated stress hormones can have negative effects on physical and mental health. If stress symptoms persist or become overwhelming, seeking support from healthcare professionals is advisable. Source link

टेंशन से आ सकता है हार्ट अटैक, हर बात की चिंता करते हैं तो सावधान !

Heart Attack and Tension : क्या आप भी बात-बात में टेंशन लेते हैं. क्या आपको भी मेंटल स्ट्रेस ज्यादा है तो सावधान हो जाइए, क्योंकि यह हार्ट अटैक (Heart Attack) का कारण बन सकता है. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स ने इसको लेकर आगाह किया है. अमेरिकन हार्ट एसोसिएशन की तरफ से साल 2019 में हुई एक स्टडी में … Read more

In summer due to these 6 reasons you feel tired and weak all the time

With the rising temperature, it is important to stay properly hydrated. Whereas during summers, we sweat more due to increased temperature, which increases the risk of dehydration. Even mild dehydration can cause fatigue, dizziness and weakness. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Include hydrating fruits and vegetables in your diet to replenish electrolytes. Source … Read more

Attention ! Stress is increasing the problem of headache, young people are more at risk, know the reason

Headache There is a shocking revelation in a report. According to this, the problem of headache is increasing rapidly in India. The worst effect of the Corona epidemic (Covid 19) has been on the mental health of the people. Cases of stress and tension have increased. According to this recent report, India has been badly … Read more

Your belly fat is not increasing just like that… these wrong habits of yours are responsible for this

Reason Of Belly Fat: These days everyone is troubled by obesity. Most of these people are worried about belly fat. Despite sweating in the gym for hours, the stomach does not take the name of reduction. Due to obesity, many diseases start surrounding us. If this problem has to be overcome, then we have to … Read more

Keep these habits away from yourself, otherwise you will not even know when you will become a victim of depression.

Reason’s For Depression: If we want our life to be good then it is most important for us to keep ourselves happy and take care of self love and self care that what we like and what are the things that we should stay away from. But many times it happens that in the process … Read more