Why does the body start sweating when stress and temperature rise?

Excessive Sweating: The way passing urine and stool is the nature of the human body, in the same way sweating is also a natural process, but have you ever thought that as the temperature of the weather rises or If we start getting nervous about something, then why do we get sweaty, let us tell … Read more

Children who have a traumatic childhood grow up to be very angry – study

It has been revealed in a research that children whose childhood is painful and full of anxiety and stress, those children grow up to become angry. The more trauma a child gets in childhood, the more angry they become as adults. Misbehaving with children not only affects their mental health, but also affects their social … Read more

Women are far ahead of men in chatting on WhatsApp, revealed in a survey

WhatsApp Chatting For Mental Health: Once upon a time, the telephone was the only means of instant communication. On which women used to talk for hours. Now there are many platforms to talk. Facebook Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp. In which WhatsApp has become the easiest and fastest means of chatting. According to the statistics of … Read more

Why 9 hours of sleep is necessary, experts themselves are telling the reason

Sleep is an important part of our daily routine. To stay healthy, as important as food is, equally important is a good sleep. Today it has become difficult for a person to get a good and better sleep due to the run-of-the-mill life and poor lifestyle. The duration of sleep varies according to age. On … Read more

Try hibiscus tea, know its benefits and how to make it here

Hibiscus tea: Hibiscus plant is planted in many people’s house. Its flowers are used in text worship. But, do you know that the flowers of this plant are used in medicines to cure many diseases. Not only medicines but you can also make tea from its flowers. Hibiscus flower tea is also sold in the … Read more

Bad smell coming from sweat can be a sign of these diseases

body odorEveryone sweats. People use deodorants to hide the bad smell coming from sweat. But, if your sweat smells very bad, then it can be a sign of serious health problems. It is not necessary that sweating is only due to food and poor hygiene. Sometimes excessive sweating or foul smell also comes due to … Read more

Light nap has these benefits

Afternoon Nap: Some people do not sleep well at night, for which they compensate by sleeping for a few minutes during the day. In a way, a light nap taken during the day helps to make up for the lost sleep at night and the person feels energetic and refreshed. But, do experts recommend napping … Read more

how to make blue tea

Blue Tea: Tea is the second most consumed substance after water in India. You must have drank many types of popular tea like herbal, green tea, black tea etc. But, have you ever drank blue tea? If not, have you ever seen one? There will probably be very few people who know about this tea … Read more