Mood becomes irritable as soon as he hears his own evil, is he a victim of this disease?

Mood becomes irritable as soon as he hears his own evil, is he a victim of this disease?

Mental Problem: Everyone likes to hear their own praise. People want the world to praise them, but those who are praised, their works are also like this. One who does good, praises him and one who does bad is evil. This is the rule of society, but no one is doing good work and if … Read more

Beware of the loud sound of the DJ! ‘Sudden heart attack’ can make a victim

Beware of the loud sound of the DJ!  ‘Sudden heart attack’ can make a victim

Heart Attack Advice: There has been a sudden increase in the number of heart patients in the last few years. For a few months, many cases of ‘Sudden Heart Attack’ ie Sudden Heart Attack have also been recorded in people. According to doctors of heart diseases, the increasing number of cases of sudden heart attack, … Read more

Identify From These 5 Symptoms Are You A Victim Of Hidden Depression?

Identify From These 5 Symptoms Are You A Victim Of Hidden Depression?

What is Hidden Depression: Depression and anxiety are the fastest growing diseases in the whole world. In developed countries, there is a lot of awareness about mental illness, but in our country many times people are hesitant to talk about it. However, in the last few years, there has been a lot of openness about … Read more

Parenting Tips: Is your child a victim of anxiety? Know what are the symptoms

Parenting Tips: Is your child a victim of anxiety?  Know what are the symptoms

Anxiety In Young Children: Nowadays, cases of stress and anxiety are increasing in children too. Many times, children go into stress and depression if they do not pay proper attention to the children. There are many changes in the nature of children according to age. Many times children start living under so much stress due … Read more

Baby getting too thin? May be a victim of malnutrition, know the symptoms

Baby getting too thin?  May be a victim of malnutrition, know the symptoms

Causes Of Malnutrition: For the first 6 months after the birth of the child, he should be given only mother’s milk. Due to this the immunity of the child becomes strong and diseases stay away. When the baby is 6 months old, he is gradually introduced to solid food. At this time, the physical and … Read more

Food Poisoning Preventions: With the help of these tips, you will not be a victim of food poisoning in monsoon

Food Poisoning Preventions: With the help of these tips, you will not be a victim of food poisoning in monsoon

Monsoon Food Poisoning: Food poisoning is usually caused by the things that are eaten. During the rainy season, there is a fear of food poisoning the most. In fact, during the monsoon season, during the rains, the moisture in the atmosphere increases and the germs also increase. This is the reason that in this season … Read more

What is Parkinson’s disease, identify with these symptoms, are you also a victim of it?

What is Parkinson’s disease, identify with these symptoms, are you also a victim of it?

Major Symptoms Of Parkinson’s: The hands and feet become numb in Parkinson’s disease. The brain stops working properly. The brain loses the ability to control the rest of the body. It is a neurodegenerative disorder. After the age of 60, this disease affects some people. However, it is difficult to understand this disease in the … Read more