हमेशा के लिए बीमार बना सकती हैं सुबह की ये 5 गलतियां, हो जाइए सावधान

Morning Mistakes For Health : आपकी दिनचर्या जितनी अच्छी होगी, सेहत भी उतना ही दुरुस्त होता है. उठने के समय से लेकर सोने तक, खाने-पीने और एक्सरसाइज तक सबकुछ हेल्थ पर असर डालता है. कई खराब आदतें तो गंभीर बीमारियों का कारण भी बनती हैं. ऐसे में अगर आप कुछ काम सुबह-सुबह (Morning Mistakes For Health) … Read more

Stay stress free and happy throughout the day, just wake up in the morning and do this work

Stress Free Morning Routine: In today’s time, if someone is asked how do you start your day, then usually everyone starts their day by looking at the phone, many other people reach the office in a hurry, there is no sense of eating. Nor any healthy routine, the whole day of such people becomes stressful. … Read more

If you want to stop weight gain, then stop doing this work in the morning.

Weight Control Tips: To prevent increasing weight, you focus more on diet and exercise. Isn’t it? Doing so is good and effective too. But some very small things can create problems in reducing your increasing weight. What are these things, which have a profound effect on weight, know here … 1. early morning sleepIf you … Read more