Can drinking milk really cause heart disease? Why did the scientist make such a claim? learn

Milk Can Cause Heart Disease: Most people consider milk very beneficial for health. Many mothers give a glass of milk to their children before sending them to school, so that they remain healthy. It is believed that by drinking milk, many nutrients necessary for the body can be obtained. But have you ever thought that … Read more

These people should not drink milk otherwise physical problems may increase

National Milk Day: Especially in India, since childhood, we grow up hearing that there are these benefits of drinking milk, so drinking milk does it. Thymise and nicotinic acid are found in milk along with calcium, vitamins A, K and B12. For this reason it is compared with a complete diet. But when we start … Read more

There are not only advantages but also disadvantages of drinking milk, know in this news

Side Effects of Milk: Often you must have heard people saying that if you drink milk, you will become strong and grow up quickly. But has anyone ever said that you should not drink milk or it can be harmful for you. Yes, milk is considered a protein packed drink, but let us tell you … Read more

Not just to reduce fat, stay away from dairy products for these reasons

Leave Dairy Products: People who wish to lose weight voluntarily give up milk. There are very few people who take the help of a dietician for weight loss. Although losing weight or gaining weight under the guidance of a dietician is a safe option. Because the dietician designs your diet chart in such a way … Read more

These people should not drink milk, otherwise health can be heavy

Milk Side Effects: Milk is considered a complete food. It has innumerable benefits to the body. Milk contains many essential nutrients like Vitamin A, Calcium, Vitamin K and Vitamin B12. Along with this, thymis and nicotinic acid are found in it, which reduces many problems. By drinking milk regularly, physical weakness and fatigue are removed. … Read more

Who should drink milk and who should not, know the answers to all such questions from an Ayurvedic doctor

Ayurvedic Method To Drink MilkMilk is an integral part of our diet. The practice of drinking milk in human society has been there for centuries. Cow’s milk is consumed in most parts of India and camel’s milk is consumed in some parts of Rajasthan. Where people consume buffalo milk, there is a tradition of drinking … Read more

Consumption of milk with these things can be harmful for the body

Which Food Are Not Good With Milk: People use milk daily. By drinking milk, the body gets plenty of energy and nutrients. Milk is a good source of calcium, vitamins and proteins. You must include milk in your diet daily, but do you know that milk should not be drunk with some things. Mixing with … Read more