Belly fat will decrease in a week, start doing these exercises today.

Belly fat will decrease in a week, start doing these exercises today.

Aerobic exercise burns calories and helps reduce total body fat, including belly fat. Dr. Creel explains that aerobic exercise boosts your metabolism during and for a short time after exercise. Exercise can also have indirect positive effects on weight, such as better sleep and reduced stress. Exercise can help reduce belly fat. To reduce belly … Read more

क्या है आइसोमेट्रिक एक्सरसाइज? कैसे ब्लड प्रेशर को करती है नॉर्मल

क्या है आइसोमेट्रिक एक्सरसाइज? कैसे ब्लड प्रेशर को करती है नॉर्मल

आज की मॉडर्न लाइफ में खानपान भी मॉडर्न हो गया है जिसके चलते बच्चे, जवान महिलाओं और बूढ़ों में तरह तरह की बीमारियां देखने को मिल रही हैं. पुराने समय में ब्लड शुगर, ब्लड प्रेशर और दूसरी बीमारियां एक उम्र के बाद देखने को मिलती थीं लेकिन आज के समय में ऐसी बीमारियां उम्र देखकर … Read more

महिलाओं को करनी चाहिए ये एरोबिक एक्सरसाइज, वजन और तनाव दोनों से मिलेगा छुटकारा

महिलाओं को करनी चाहिए ये एरोबिक एक्सरसाइज, वजन और तनाव दोनों से मिलेगा छुटकारा

Aerobic Exercise : क्या आप भी अपने बढ़ते वजन और दिन-प्रतिदिन के तनाव से परेशान हैं? अब इनसे छुटकारा पाना आसान है! बस अपनी दैनिक दिनचर्या में कुछ फिटनेस टिप्स शामिल करें और देखें कैसे आपका वजन कम होने लगता है और मन शांत व प्रसन्न रहता है. महिलाओं को नियमित रूप से कुछ एरोबिक … Read more

Aerobic exercise lowers risk of metastatic cancer: Study

Aerobic exercise lowers risk of metastatic cancer: Study

The probability of cancer Metastatic spread can be reduced with aerobic exercise by 72 percent, according to a recent study. The amount of glucose (sugar) consumed by internal organs increases during intense aerobic exercise, according to the researchers, which decreases the amount of energy available to the tumor. (Also read: Popular Dietary Supplement May Cause … Read more

How to Improve Your VO2 Max

How to Improve Your VO2 Max

Photo: one inch punch (Shutterstock) Setting a new personal maximum is a great way to track your progress towards your fitness goals, so what’s the easiest way to do it? A useful step is to improve VO2max, which is a measure of how much oxygen your body can absorb and use during exercise. The more … Read more

Doing weight training daily can help to lower the risk of death: Study

Doing weight training daily can help to lower the risk of death: Study

A study in older people found that Weight training exercise is associated with a lower chance of death from any cause, with the exception of cancer. The statistics also suggested that sticking to a week exercise program that includes weights and cardiovascular activity has an additional benefit. The study findings were published online in the … Read more

16 Running Myths That Are Holding You Back

16 Running Myths That Are Holding You Back

Photo: Mladen Mitrinovic (Shutterstock) “Jogging” and “running” are two English words that we apply to the action of covering a distance by jumping from one foot to another. It’s the same movement, but we use the word “jog” when the pace is slower and “run” when the pace is faster. There’s no official limit, so … Read more

Whether to reduce weight or reduce stress, women should do this aerobic exercise

Whether to reduce weight or reduce stress, women should do this aerobic exercise

Aerobic Exercise: In today’s run-of-the-mill life, people have become very conscious about their health and fitness. Women are also now paying attention to themselves. In such a situation, she participates in many types of activities. At the same time, the number of women and girls going to yoga classes, gym has increased significantly. For such … Read more