Consuming buttermilk in summer is beneficial, consuming it keeps you healthy – GoMedii

Consuming buttermilk in summer is beneficial, consuming it keeps you healthy – GoMedii

There are many people among you who don’t like summers at all but India is the only country where there are three types of seasons. If we talk about summer, many people consume buttermilk, some also know it as buttermilk. Indeed, it protects your health and your body from many illnesses occurring in summer. Many … Read more

वजन घटाने से लेकर बेहतर डाइजेशन तक, आपकी सेहत के लिए कमाल कर सकती है छाछ

वजन घटाने से लेकर बेहतर डाइजेशन तक, आपकी सेहत के लिए कमाल कर सकती है छाछ

Benefits of Drinking Buttermilk : गर्मियों के मौसम का आगाज हो चुका है. जाहिर है गर्मी पड़ेगी तो शरीर में पानी कम होगा. ना चाहते हुए भी लोग डिहाइड्रेशन का इस मौसम में शिकार होने लगते हैं. ऐसे में डाइटिशियंस हो या डॉक्टर सभी ज्यादा से ज्यादा लिक्विड डाइट लेने की सलाह देते हैं. गर्मी को … Read more

Never make the mistake of drinking buttermilk or whey mixed with salt, these harms to the body

Never make the mistake of drinking buttermilk or whey mixed with salt, these harms to the body

Never make the mistake of drinking buttermilk or whey mixed with salt, these harms to the body Source link

5 amazing benefits of eating buttermilk after meals, you should also include it in your routine

5 amazing benefits of eating buttermilk after meals, you should also include it in your routine

Benefits of Drinking Buttermilk : The summer season has started. Obviously, if there is heat then there will be less water in the body. People start becoming victims of dehydration in this season even without wanting to. In such a situation, be it dieticians or doctors, everyone advises to take more and more liquid diet. … Read more

Drink Triphala buttermilk in summer, it will help in weight loss and increase digestion power.

Drink Triphala buttermilk in summer, it will help in weight loss and increase digestion power.

Weight Loss Tips: It is fun if you get to drink curd, buttermilk or lassi with food in summer. To keep the stomach healthy and reduce weight, you must include raita or buttermilk in the food. Drinking buttermilk helps in digestion. Apart from this, buttermilk is also beneficial in protecting from heat and heat. If … Read more