What should be the diet to avoid hypothyroidism, know A to Z complete information

Hypothyroidism Symptoms: When our body does not produce enough thyroid hormone, then the problem of hypothyroidism starts. Due to this, there can be many problems in our body. Due to the deficiency of thyroid hormone, we may have problems like sleeplessness, sudden increase or decrease in heartbeat, weight loss. A proper diet is needed for … Read more

As soon as you buy the medicine, you will be able to check whether the medicine is real or fake, the QR code will give complete information

QR Code to Check Medicines: Are the medicines you are taking to cure your disease real? A lot of people will say – of course, we have bought this from a good and reputed medical store, so there is no question that the medicine is fake. We have also taken the bill for this and … Read more

Complete iron deficiency in winter, iron is found in these things in abundance

Iron Rich Fruits Vegetable: From October, the weather starts to cool slightly. Vegetables available in winter have also started coming in the market. Green vegetables come the most in winter. In such a situation, you should increase the amount of vegetables in the diet. Iron-rich fruits and vegetables are also coming in abundance in this … Read more

Diabetes will be controlled with kiwi, here is the complete information

Diabetes Diet: Diabetes has become a common disease in the run-of-the-mill life. Now slowly people of all ages are coming under its grip. Lifestyle has to be completely changed to control diabetes. One has to improve the eating habits. Mental health also has to be taken care of, but kiwi is such a fruit, which … Read more

What is called complete food? What are their qualities, know

Complete diet: We absolutely don’t want you to get bogged down with food, as you have come across two super foods that have been given the title of complete food in Ayurveda (Complete food in ayurveda). You think that now what is the hassle of preparing and eating food, often through these foods, the body … Read more

The reason for the pain in the legs may be the deficiency of this vitamin, complete it this way

Vitamin D There can be many reasons for foot pain. These reasons also include the lack of vitamin D in the body. Lack of vitamin D in the body not only causes pain in the feet, but it can also cause problems like flu, bone pain, weak immune power. In such a situation, it is … Read more

Sleep is not complete even after sleeping properly at night? This disorder may be the reason

Hypersomnia Disorder: Sleep is an important factor related to our health. But most of us have some problem related to sleep in our lifetime. Some people start getting a lot of sleep and some have to struggle even to sleep. Even if sleep is taken less than its scheduled time, there is a bad effect … Read more