Should we avoid eating boudoir in winter? Get the opinion of a health expert

Should we avoid eating boudoir in winter? Get the opinion of a health expert

Veena V, chief clinical dietitian at Aster Whitefield Hospital, Bangalore, said there are no studies or data to prove that eating bhindi or bhindi in winter is bad. In fact, it is rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial at any time of the year. Eating too much ladyfinger can cause gastrointestinal issues … Read more

The trade in fake oil is growing on the markets, do you also use it?

The trade in fake oil is growing on the markets, do you also use it?

Cooking Tips: Oil is the most important ingredient for cooking, no vegetable, paratha or any other dish is prepared without cooking oil. But these days many fake oils are coming in the market and due to low prices people are also using these fake oils. This fake oil can be very harmful to your health … Read more

ब्लड के नेचुरल तरीके से साफ करता है करेला, जानें कड़वाहट दूर करने के उपाय

ब्लड के नेचुरल तरीके से साफ करता है करेला, जानें कड़वाहट दूर करने के उपाय

Karela Bitterness Remove Tips : करेला हमारे सेहत के लिए बहुत अच्छा माना जाता है. इसे नेचुरल ब्लड प्यूरीफायर भी माना जाता है. आयुर्वेद में भी करेले के कई फायदे (Karela Benefits) गिनाए गए हैं. हालांकि, इसका स्वाद कड़वा होने के चलते बहुत से लोग इसे खाने से बचते हैं. कई लोग इसकी कड़वाहट के चलते … Read more

More oil is used while frying puris, then follow this trick

More oil is used while frying puris, then follow this trick

Who does not like to make perfect pooris. But many times it happens that while frying puris, a lot of oil gets filled inside it. Seeing which one does not feel like eating. Because it looks unhealthy in itself. To get rid of such puris, we have brought these special tips for you. With the … Read more

Mixing curd in chicken and keeping it in fridge is right or not? May it not become poison

Mixing curd in chicken and keeping it in fridge is right or not?  May it not become poison

Chicken is made or stored in the fridge in different ways all over the world. Some people marinate chicken by adding lemon and salt, while some people store it by mixing curd and  lemon. Chicken contains protein and many types of nutrients. If you store it properly, you can use it for many days. It … Read more

After Soaking Grains Overnight, Should You Discard The Water or Not? Nutritionist Answers

After Soaking Grains Overnight, Should You Discard The Water or Not? Nutritionist Answers

Home Health After soaking the beans overnight, should you discard the water or not? Answers from the nutritionist According to the nutritionist, throwing away the water after soaking cereals and legumes is not a good practice. After soaking the beans overnight, should you discard the water or not? Answers from the nutritionist Most people don’t … Read more

Which oil is the healthiest for cooking, which will make health? choose like this

Which oil is the healthiest for cooking, which will make health?  choose like this

How To Select Best Cooking Oil: Homemade food is made in which oil or which oil is best for cooking, this is a big question. Since the health of the members of the household depends on cooking oil, so the choice of cooking oil should be done carefully. In this case, the rough rule works … Read more

History of Golgappa is interesting, know its calories and disadvantages

History of Golgappa is interesting, know its calories and disadvantages

Golgappa Pani History: Hearing the name of Golgappa makes people’s mouth water. Especially the sour-sweet taste of its water settles on everyone’s yoke, but these days due to increasing dirtiness and not following the right process of making, the consumption of golgappa is considered unhealthy for health. If you are also fond of eating Golgappa, … Read more