Japanese Encephalitis is so dangerous, 4 year old child was on ventilator for 9 days, stayed in ICU for 15 days

Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine: Along with Kovid, cases of Dengue, Malaria are being seen in the country. Due to dengue, people are facing the trouble of being admitted to the hospital. Japanese encephalitis virus has knocked in the country this year. For the first time in the last three years, the first case has been registered … Read more

Do you get a severe headache these days as soon as you wake up in the morning? this is the reason

Causes Of Morning Headache: Often people feel energetic, refreshing and fresh after waking up early in the morning. Stay focused towards your work. It is also necessary for this to happen after taking 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Your whole day’s tiredness goes away. Energy gets restored, but there are some people who neither … Read more

Must try this special drink made of turmeric, all the fat will melt in 4 days

Benefits of Turmeric: Turmeric is a spice that you can easily find in Indian kitchen. You must have often heard from the mouth of elders that give turmeric milk or turmeric water in fever. For many years, turmeric has been used as a herb in Ayurveda. It is considered equal because it contains antioxidants and … Read more

Donating blood reduces the risk of these dangerous diseases, know in how many days to donate blood?

Importance Of Blood Donation: Do you know that by donating blood you can save many lives. However, even today people in India are afraid of donating blood. They feel that this will cause weakness in the body. While it is not so at all. Blood donation keeps the body healthy and many diseases are removed. … Read more

Eat these 5 gluten free things to lose weight, in a few days you will start getting thinner

Weight Loss: Eat these 5 gluten free things to lose weight, in a few days you will start becoming thin. Source link

You will consume eggs like this for weight loss, then in 10 days the stomach will be inside

Egg Benefits for Weight LossMost of the people nowadays are troubled by obesity. For this, from sweating in the gym for hours to dieting, what do people do to lose weight. However, many times people are not able to get the desired result even after taking the right diet. If you are thinking of losing … Read more

What changes happen in the body by fasting for 9 days in Navratri? how beneficial for health

Fast For Health: People keep fast for 9 days in Shardiya Navratri. Worship the Goddess with devotion. Although in Hinduism, one or the other fasting continues throughout the year, but the fast of Navratri which falls in Sharad Ritu has special significance. Not only does fasting for Navratri have religious significance, but by doing it … Read more

Follow this recipe to remove warts, you will get rid in a few days

Wart Removal: It is normal to have warts on the face or any part of the skin. It does not cause any harm to your body. However, this can affect your looks. That’s why many people look for ways to remove warts. If you have warts on your face or any other part of the … Read more