Which dry fruits are right to eat for diabetic patients, which ones should be avoided? Learn

Which dry fruits are right to eat for diabetic patients, which ones should be avoided?  Learn

Best Dry Fruits For Diabetic Patients: Dry fruits are one such item that is kept at the top of the category of healthy food. Not only do the body get any nutrients from them, but they also benefit in many types of diseases. From increasing hemoglobin to improving digestion, different dry fruits work in different … Read more

What should be the diet of diabetic people, know here what to eat and what to eat less

What should be the diet of diabetic people, know here what to eat and what to eat less

Diet Chart For Sugar Patients: We have grown up hearing about the disease of sugar i.e. diabetes that this disease is incurable and can never be completely cured. Although it is claimed in Ayurveda that there is a cure for this disease. If someone gets a sugar disease, then most people tell him that do … Read more

Which dry fruits should be eaten by a diabetic patient, which should not, know here

Which dry fruits should be eaten by a diabetic patient, which should not, know here

A diabetic patient should take utmost care of his diet. If you do not take a good diet, then weakness starts in the body. Eat dry fruits to keep the body healthy and fit. However, not all dry fruits are beneficial for diabetic patients. There are many such dry fruits which can increase blood sugar … Read more

Aak Leaves: By applying this leaf on the soles of the feet, the sugar level of the diabetic patient will be controlled,

Aak Leaves: By applying this leaf on the soles of the feet, the sugar level of the diabetic patient will be controlled,

Other Plants: To reduce sugar, diabetic patients can include okra, fenugreek, jamun, cinnamon, red chilli, basil, shilajit and bay leaves in their lifestyle to reduce sugar. , Source link

After 45, the risk of heart attack may increase in diabetic patients, protect in this way

After 45, the risk of heart attack may increase in diabetic patients, protect in this way

Heart Attack Patients suffering from diabetes are prone to many serious diseases. Especially the risk of getting heart-related disease is highest. It is known that diabetes is caused due to poor lifestyle and wrong diet. Diabetes occurs due to the increased level of sugar in the blood. It also affects your heart. In such a … Read more

If you are also a diabetic patient, then take care of yourself in the office like this, blood sugar will be under control

If you are also a diabetic patient, then take care of yourself in the office like this, blood sugar will be under control

Diabetes Control Tips: In today’s time, the disease of diabetes is taking the form of an epidemic. Millions of people are becoming victims of diabetes every year. There was a time when it was believed that diabetes is a disease of old age, but now many young people are also falling prey to diabetes. Diabetes … Read more

Drinking milk at night is dangerous for a diabetic patient, know the right time and the right way to drink milk

Drinking milk at night is dangerous for a diabetic patient, know the right time and the right way to drink milk

Milk At Night In Diabetes: If you have diabetes disease, you should take utmost care of diet. There are many things that immediately increase your blood sugar level. Do not forget to consume them. You should know which things should be eaten and which things should be avoided. Most people consume milk at night even … Read more

Health Tips: Diabetic patients eat pistachios daily, you will get amazing benefits

Health Tips: Diabetic patients eat pistachios daily, you will get amazing benefits

Benefits Of Pistachios: Diabetic patients are often worried about their food and drink. They don’t know what to eat and what not. Many times people accidentally eat such things which increase the blood sugar. If you are confused about dryfruits, then let us tell you that diabetic patients can easily eat pistachios. Although almonds, walnuts … Read more