Low-Carb vs. Low-Fat Diets: Which is More Effective for Weight Loss?

Home Health Weight Loss: What is the Difference Between Low-Carb and Low-Fat Diet? Which is Better For Shedding Extra Fat? Diet is an important aspect of weight loss. The question of fat and carbs is always a dilemma. Here is a comprehensive elaboration of the pros and cons of both low-fat and low-carb diets and … Read more

10 kg weight can be reduced in 7 days…just have to follow this diet chart, in 2 days

Weight Loss Tips : Obesity and weight spoil your look. People make various efforts to reduce obesity and lose weight fast, but there is no significant difference. In such a situation, according to the health expert, you can easily reduce the weight (Weight Loss Diet Chart) by changing your diet. Here is a special diet … Read more

You have heard about the rainbow decorated in the plate, know what is Rainbow Diet and its benefits

Benefits Of Rainbow Diet: You must have also noticed the colors of vegetables, fruits, pulses and grains while cooking and eating food. If all these colors are kept together, then a rainbow-like decoration will be seen in the plate. The plate decorated with food colors is called Rainbow Diet. Foods of every color are included … Read more

It is possible to reduce stomach by eating more food, just include these tasty foods in the diet

Eat More Lose More: It is possible to reduce stomach by eating more food, just include these tasty foods in the diet Source link

Make the five elements a part of life, according to Ayurveda, including these 5 elements will remain healthy

Food According To Ayurveda: Our body is made up of five elements, which include earth, water, air, fire and sky. These 5 elements are divided into 7 main chakras of the body. The balance of these five elements and seven chakras makes the body healthy. In ancient times, from Vedas to scholars, everyone has accepted … Read more

Weight loss not happening even after a lot of effort? Are you doing this mistake somewhere?

Reason for not Losing weight: If there is no weight loss even after strict diet and regular exercise, then there can be many other reasons behind it. Your lifestyle, genes, physical condition and stress are many factors that are very important factors in weight loss. If you are working very hard to lose weight and … Read more

Warm Water For Weight Loss: Does ‘Garam Paani’ Really Help You in Losing Kilos? Expert Speaks!

Hot water for weight loss: We all know that water is essential for life. Water not only quenches our thirst but also ensures that our body is healthy. Everyone needs to drink 2-3 liters of water per day to keep their system functioning properly as their body is made up of about 70% water. While … Read more