Colon cancer awareness: Risk factors and symptoms every young adult should know

Colon cancer awareness: Risk factors and symptoms every young adult should know

Home Health Colon Cancer Awareness: Risk Factors and Symptoms Every Young Adult Should Know Colon cancer is increasingly affecting the younger population. It is essential to be informed about the risk factors and symptoms associated with the disease in order to seek early detection and treatment. Colon Cancer Awareness: Risk Factors and Symptoms Every Young … Read more

Take care of these important things related to children’s health

Take care of these important things related to children’s health

Children’s health has become an important issue in today’s times. Due to the hectic lifestyle, changing lifestyle and increasing prevalence of junk food, children’s health is suffering. Experts say that proper nutrition and regular physical activity are very important for the healthy development of children.   A recent survey has revealed that the problem of … Read more

Cirrhosis of the liver is this a warning sign? | Liver | liver cirrhosis | Health Live

Cirrhosis of the liver is this a warning sign?  |  Liver |  liver cirrhosis |  Health Live

Liver cirrhosis is a serious liver disease. This occurs when the liver tissues are permanently damaged, that is, these tissues cannot be recovered. This is a liver disease. In fact, the liver is an important organ that works to refine nutrients. It works by removing many toxic toxins from the body. But when bad tissue … Read more

Clirnet collaborates with multiple African Medical Associations – ET HealthWorld

Clirnet collaborates with multiple African Medical Associations – ET HealthWorld

Mumbai: Clirnet announces a collaboration with multiple African medical associations. The company believes this partnership heralds a new era in advancement health education. The collaboration aims to equip African healthcare professionals (HCPs) with seamless access to cutting-edge tools to enhance medical learning. The initiative, which includes 75 CME Sessions of clinical experts, is designed to … Read more

फल खाने का सही समय क्या है? | Health Live

फल खाने का सही समय क्या है? | Health Live

Health Live 04 Apr, 05:16 PM (IST) क्या पानी पीने से हो सकती है किसी की मौत ? | Health Live Source link

इस गर्मी मे क्या AC के बिना जीना संभव है? | Health Live

इस गर्मी मे क्या AC के बिना जीना संभव है? | Health Live

Health Live 03 Apr, 02:33 PM (IST) कोनसे spices गर्मियों में नहीं खाने चाहिए ? | Health Live Source link

कान की गंदगी को साफ करने के लिए क्या करें? | Earwax Cleaning | Health Live

कान की गंदगी को साफ करने के लिए क्या करें? | Earwax Cleaning | Health Live

बेबी ऑयल, ऑलिव ऑयल या नारियल तेल को थोड़ा गर्म कर कान में डाल सकते हैं. तेल कान के वैक्स को नरम करने में मदद करता है और फिर इसे ईयरबड से निकालना आसान होता है. गर्म पानी पीना सेहत के लिए काफी फायदेमंद माना जाता है. लेकिन क्या आप ये जानते हैं कि गर्म … Read more

तेज़ी से करना है मोटापा कम तो करें दिन रात में सैर | Health Live

तेज़ी से करना है मोटापा कम तो करें दिन रात में सैर | Health Live

Health Live 29 Mar, 01:48 PM (IST) गर्म पानी से नहाने के क्या फायदे हैं?| Health Live Source link