Nearly half percent of Indian population is physically unfit, recent Lancet study is frightening

Health study: A recent study by Lancet states that more than half of the Indian population is not physically active. Lacent’s study expressed concern about the physical inability of Indians and stated that the day is not far when more than sixty percent of the Indian population will fall victim to problems caused by lack … Read more

जो सिर्फ वेज खाना खाते हैं, उनमें हिप फैक्चर होने का ज्यादा खतरा! स्टडी में सामने आए कई फैक्ट

<p style="text-align: justify;">शाकाहारी भोजन खाने वाले लोगों को लेकर एक चौंकाने वाली स्टडी सामने आई है. इस स्टडी में दावा किया गया है कि वेजिटेरियन लोगों में हिप फैक्चर होने का खतरा मांसाहारी लोगों की तुलना में 50 प्रतिशत ज्यादा होता है. स्टडी में कहा गया है कि जो महिलाएं नियमित रूप से शाकाहारी भोजन … Read more

Does eating tomatoes really cause kidney stones?

Kidney Stone: Does eating tomatoes really cause kidney stones? Source link

Can even seeing a photo of your favorite food satisfy your hunger? claim in study

When we feel hungry, it seems that we can get anything to eat from anywhere. When we are hungry, we are ready to eat those things which we do not like at all. By the way, nowadays new restaurants have opened in every street and streets. But many times we get stuck in such a … Read more

If you are a housewife, then reduce your weight without going to the gym, definitely include these things in your routine

Weight Loss Tips For Housewife Women: These days a large number of women are troubled by their increasing weight. Working women still control their weight. Although the biggest problem is seen with the housewife, because she spends most of her time at home. Due to many everyday tasks at home, she is often unable to … Read more

Children who have a traumatic childhood grow up to be very angry – study

It has been revealed in a research that children whose childhood is painful and full of anxiety and stress, those children grow up to become angry. The more trauma a child gets in childhood, the more angry they become as adults. Misbehaving with children not only affects their mental health, but also affects their social … Read more

Negativity increased among Indians after Kovid, 35 percent people are not happy: study

The Corona epidemic has worked to increase the difficulties of people around the world. This virus has badly affected his physical and mental health. A study suggests that expressions of negativity such as anger, stress, anxiety and sadness have increased significantly in the people of India since the Corona pandemic. A report ‘The State of … Read more

Get alert for those who sleep less than 5 hours in the night, this silent killer disease will become a big threat in future

Sleep Deprivation: Many studies claim that not getting enough sleep has many bad effects on the body. You must have heard about this many times. However, due to today’s busy schedule and lifestyle, many people are not able to complete 8-9 hours of sleep. In a study, it has been claimed that getting less than … Read more