Symptoms of diabetes can also be seen in the feet, identify them in time

Diabetes Symptoms: In modern times people are suffering from many types of diseases. Having diseases like thyroid, cholesterol, diabetes has become quite common these days. If we have this type of lifestyle related disease, we should pay special attention to our diet, so that the problems can be kept under control. Especially if you have … Read more

How to identify fake and real asafoetida

Tips To Identify Asafoetida: Asafoetida is an integral part of the kitchen of Indian homes. Asafoetida brings test even in ordinary food and doubles the taste of food. The most important thing about asafetida is that it is also beneficial for health, but in today’s time, fake asafoetida along with real has started being found … Read more

Symptoms of cancer are also visible on the face, identify with these signs

Skin Cancer: Cancer is considered a very serious disease. There are many symptoms of cancer. Cancer symptoms are also visible on the face. If your face looks white and waxy, then it can be a symptom of basal cell carcinoma. This is a skin cancer. This cancer is caused by exposure to sunlight. Lumps and … Read more

Identify From These 5 Symptoms Are You A Victim Of Hidden Depression?

What is Hidden Depression: Depression and anxiety are the fastest growing diseases in the whole world. In developed countries, there is a lot of awareness about mental illness, but in our country many times people are hesitant to talk about it. However, in the last few years, there has been a lot of openness about … Read more

Cholesterol: Symptoms of high cholesterol are also visible on the skin, identify this way

Cholesterol Symptoms : If there is an increase in cholesterol in the body, there is a risk of heart-related diseases. That is why it is very important to control cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol in our body. It is very important to control both the good and bad cholesterol. To control cholesterol, it … Read more

Eyes point to these serious diseases, identify this way

Health News : Eyes are the mirror of our body. It can tell about your overall health. That’s why often you must have seen that doctors first tell by the color of your eyes what is the problem with you. That’s why it is important to have regular eye exams. It can describe your most … Read more

Health Tips: What is organic food, how to identify organic food

Identify Organic Food: Our food and drink helps in the development of the body. Although people have started being very careless about food for the last few years, but after Corona, people have started to understand a lot about how important it is to stay healthy. Now people are giving importance to nutritious food. In … Read more

Identify the disease from the early symptoms of cancer, the patient’s life will be saved

Primary Symptoms Of Cancer: From anal cancer to throat cancer and from skin cancer to blood cancer, there are many types of this deadly disease. And the type of this disease is, its symptoms are equally different (Symptoms Of Cancer). People who are alert on the basis of symptoms and get themselves tested at the … Read more