If there is trouble in sleeping, then follow this method, Nindia queen will be surrounded as soon as she lies down

If there is trouble in sleeping, then follow this method, Nindia queen will be surrounded as soon as she lies down

Sleeping Tips: You want to have a good night’s sleep, but even after lying in bed for hours, you cannot sleep. This is really disturbing because because of this, you do not feel completely energetic and refreshed the next day. Due to this, yawning and fatigue prevail throughout the day, which affects the work of … Read more

Is it right to eat fruits at night, keep these things in mind while eating fruits

Is it right to eat fruits at night, keep these things in mind while eating fruits

Fruits In Night: For weight loss, some people eat only fruits at night. Eating low calorie food at night helps in reducing weight. It is also true that you should take only light food at night. Fruits are good for your health, but is it good for health to eat only fruits at night? Some … Read more

Why UTI happens again and again, know the reason for urine infection

Why UTI happens again and again, know the reason for urine infection

Urinary tract infection: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common problem in women. Women suffer a lot in this. There is severe pain in the stomach, burning in the toilet and problems due to infection. In UTI, the bacteria reach inside through the toilet and sometimes they also affect the kidneys, bladder and the tubes … Read more

Many problems can be solved by eating one banana every day.

Many problems can be solved by eating one banana every day.

Banana Eating Benefits: Banana is such a fruit, which is seen in our society by adding more than making a body. Those who want to become an athlete or are very thin and want to increase fat, they are more advised to eat bananas. That’s why it is believed that banana only helps in increasing … Read more

Lose weight in these 5 ways in summer, easy way to reduce obesity

Lose weight in these 5 ways in summer, easy way to reduce obesity

How To Lose Weight Fast In Summer: Summer season is the best for weight loss, in summer you drink a lot of water, eat fruits and vegetables, due to which you become thin gradually. Apart from this, you can do many activities in summer holidays. In summer you can go swimming, which helps in weight … Read more

Your child is falling ill again and again, is there any reason for swimming?

Your child is falling ill again and again, is there any reason for swimming?

Swimming Pool Precaution: If water enters the nose, ears and throat due to swimming, infection can occur. Also, drinking chlorine water can also cause stomach related diseases. Swimming is a fun activity to keep engaged during the summer season, but just take care of a few things so that you or your child does not … Read more

Heart attack will not come by drinking this juice, will clean the blood and make the heart strong

Heart attack will not come by drinking this juice, will clean the blood and make the heart strong

Juice For Heart Patient: In today’s lifestyle, due to habits like adulterated food, less workout, stress and smoking-drinking, heart related diseases are bothering people more. A heart attack occurs when blood clots form in the arteries. Maintaining proper blood flow in the body is essential to avoid heart attack. By making changes in diet and … Read more

If you want to strengthen bones, then eat these 5 things rich in calcium

If you want to strengthen bones, then eat these 5 things rich in calcium

Natural Food Source Of Calcium: Calcium is essential for making the body strong. Calcium is needed to give strength and strength to bones. If you want to keep the heart strong, muscles and nerves healthy, then eat a diet rich in calcium. 99% of the calcium in the body is found in the bones and … Read more