The person who transplanted the pig’s heart died, 2 months ago the heart was transplanted

The person who transplanted the pig’s heart died, 2 months ago the heart was transplanted

Man Died Who Had Pig Heart Transplant: American citizen David Bennett has died. According to the report of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), it is believed that he died due to the porcine virus present in the heart of the pig. David had a pig heart transplanted about 2 months ago after a long … Read more

Heat is happening in the stomach, you will get coolness by consuming these 5 things

Heat is happening in the stomach, you will get coolness by consuming these 5 things

Keep Your Stomach Cool In Summer Many times people keep consuming things that are eaten in cold even in summer, which creates trouble. In summer, eating hot things can cause stomach irritation and vomiting-diarrhoea. In such a situation, you should take a diet of cold effect. This can reduce the problem of stomach. If your … Read more

Eating more jaggery in summer can be harmful, consume it in limited quantity

Eating more jaggery in summer can be harmful, consume it in limited quantity

Jaggery Side Effects In Summer: Consumption of jaggery is good for health. But eating more jaggery in summer can harm your health. The effect of jaggery is hot, so if you consume jaggery in excess in summer, it can cause stomach problems. On the other hand, eating jaggery can cause bleeding from the nose. Eating … Read more

Hibiscus flower makes you beautiful by removing anemia, know the benefits

Hibiscus flower makes you beautiful by removing anemia, know the benefits

Hibiscus Flower For Health: Hibiscus flower, also known as Jawakusum, this flower is very important for health and beauty. Such medicinal properties are found in the flower of hibiscus, which helps in reducing weight, removing fever, removing the problem of anemia and controlling blood pressure. If there is indigestion and restlessness in your body, then … Read more

Drink this juice made from cucumber for weight loss, you will get rid of obesity

Drink this juice made from cucumber for weight loss, you will get rid of obesity

Weight Loss Juice: Due to working in the office all day, the weight has started increasing rapidly. In such a situation, everyone is trying to be thin. Some people are trying to make themselves fit by walking and exercising, while some are trying to lose weight through diet. If you want to slim down, then … Read more

Guests are about to come, do not panic, clean your dirty room in such minutes

Guests are about to come, do not panic, clean your dirty room in such minutes

How To Make Your Home Look Clean: Guests are about to arrive in the house and you can’t figure out where to start cleaning the room and where it ends! So today we are telling you some easy tricks, through which you can clean the room in no time. Yes, suddenly there is a call … Read more

This pranayama is the best to control high blood pressure, include it in the morning routine

This pranayama is the best to control high blood pressure, include it in the morning routine

Pranayama for High BP: Nowadays the problem of high blood pressure is being seen in people of all age groups. It is also called hyper tension and silent killer. People with high BP are at higher risk of heart problems and stroke. To keep it under control, you can do regular pranayama along with medicines. … Read more

Consider the causes of eczema, you will be able to avoid the disease

Consider the causes of eczema, you will be able to avoid the disease

Eczema Cause And Prevention: In eczema, your skin becomes cracked, dry and unusually itchy. This problem disturbs you physically and mentally so much that you are not able to concentrate on the tasks related to your daily life because the itching in the skin keeps irritating you continuously. In many cases, eczema occurs due to … Read more