If there is swelling and soreness in the throat, then follow these effective home remedies

If there is swelling and soreness in the throat, then follow these effective home remedies

Sore Throat Treatment: The weather changes rapidly after a sudden scorching heat and then sometimes thunderstorms and rains. It also has an effect on health. Drinking cold water in the hot summer and eating ice cream in the rain leads to swelling and soreness in the throat. For some people, this problem increases so much … Read more

Why heart attack comes, know the causes and prevention of heart attack

Why heart attack comes, know the causes and prevention of heart attack

What Triggers Heartattack: Heart attack is the most dangerous disease nowadays. Being completely healthy, people are becoming victims of heart at a very young age. Bollywood singer Krishna Kumar Kunnath, who is known by the name of KK, has also died due to heart attack. On Tuesday night, 53-year-old KK died of a heart attack. … Read more

Eating only once a day can cause these damages, the risk of these diseases increases

Eating only once a day can cause these damages, the risk of these diseases increases

Side Effects Of Dieting: Controlling diet for weight loss is a good thing, but some people eat food only once in the course of dieting. Doing this for a long time has a bad effect on the body. After eating a lot of food during the day, definitely eat light food in the evening. If … Read more

These home remedies make the lungs healthy, there will be no throat problem

These home remedies make the lungs healthy, there will be no throat problem

Lung Fitness: The organ most affected by the corona virus is our lungs. The strain of Kovid-19 rapidly attacks and damages the lungs. In such a situation, you should try to make your lungs turmeric. It also reduces the risk of having respiratory problems. Cases of shortness of breath and falling oxygen levels have been … Read more

Hardik Pandya Fitness News Today

Hardik Pandya’s fitness tips We have already told you about Hardik Pandya’s incredible healthy lifestyle. But you also know that anything needs to be extremely flexible, fit and athletic to pull off. So, if you are wondering how to take your fitness game to the next level, here are some Hardik Pandya sanctioned workouts that … Read more

Follow these simple tips to avoid deadly diseases like heart attack and high cholesterol

Follow these simple tips to avoid deadly diseases like heart attack and high cholesterol

Heart Attack And High Cholesterol: Heart attack and high cholesterol are two such deadly diseases, which mainly start taking hold of the body only after the age of 40. We are saying this because when you will see the effect of these diseases and at what age their symptoms will appear, it depends on your … Read more

Important things you must know about cholesterol

Important things you must know about cholesterol

What Is Cholesterol : Cholesterol is a waxy substance found inside the blood. The body also needs it to keep the cells healthy and for the formation of new cells. But when the level of cholesterol increases, it becomes the cause of heart disease. Due to high cholesterol, fatty deposits develop in the blood vessels, … Read more

How to control diabetes in pregnancy, follow these tips

How to control diabetes in pregnancy, follow these tips

Diabetes In Pregnancy: Some women have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. In such a situation, you should take great care of food and drink. Some women have problems with diabetes during pregnancy. This is called gestational diabetes. This diabetes ends after delivery. However, during pregnancy, it has a bad effect on the unborn child. … Read more