ज्यादा तेल और मसालेदार खाना कहीं पड़ न जाए आपकी सेहत पर भारी

अक्सर लोग बाहर का खाना ज्यादा पसंद करते हैं. चाइनीस हो या साउथ इंडियन लोगों को स्पाइसी ही पसंद आता है. इन दिनों बच्चों से लेकर बूढ़ों तक सब में मसालेदार फूड खाने का क्रेज बढ़ गया है. लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं ज्यादा तेल और मसालेदार खाना आपकी सेहत के लिए खतरनाक साबित हो … Read more

Best Time For Lunch: 1 PM, 2 PM or 3 PM? What is the right time to have lunch?

Best Time For Lunch: To keep the body healthy, people eat good breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is everyone’s wish to remain healthy throughout life. But do you know that eating good food is necessary only to stay healthy, it is also necessary to eat food on time. Because if you have breakfast only at … Read more

Do you also eat cucumber salad for lunch or dinner? Gives invitation to these diseases!

Health News: Cucumber is known for its high water content. It contains 95 percent water, often people who lose weight are advised to eat cucumber, because cucumber contains high amount of fiber which makes you feel full for a long time. There is no more hunger than this. It can be easily bought at the … Read more

If you also do lunch late every day, then you may have to bear the brunt of it

Late Lunch Side Effects: To stay healthy, it is not only necessary to take a healthy diet, but it is also necessary to eat at the right time. Nowadays it is often seen that there is no fixed time for people’s food. People get so engrossed in work that they do not eat their lunch … Read more

How to Start Meal Prepping Without It Taking Over Your Life

Photo: Elena Veselova (Shutterstock) When you’re serious about your fitness goals (whether they’re strength- or weight-related), often a first step is to get your nutrition in order. You want to get enough protein to support your muscles, fruits and vegetables for health, carbohydrates for fueland a total calorie count that supports your activity and goals … Read more

Effective Tips: Troubled by the constant sleep after lunch in the office, definitely try these tricks

Tips to Avoid Sleep in OfficeIf you are also troubled by the constant sleepiness after having lunch in the office and do not understand what measures to adopt, then do not take tension. Yes, today we will tell you some such measures, with the help of which you can take a break from your sleep … Read more

Unhealthy Foods for Kids: Never give these things to children in a hurry for lunch

Kids Lunchbox Packing Tips: Many times it would happen that in a hurry, you pack and give chips, Maggi, readymade cakes and many such things to the children in a hurry, which takes less effort. But you know how much harm this flurry of yours can cause to children’s health. Yes, today we are telling … Read more

What should be breakfast, lunch and dinner in the rain, know what to eat and what not to eat

Monsoon Food: In Ayurveda, it is advised to change the food according to the season. That is, the diet should be like Ritu. During the rainy season, you need to be careful about food and drink. Diseases and infections spread rapidly in monsoon. In such a situation, your carelessness can take a toll on your … Read more