If children demand to eat pizza, know the dangerous consequences before doing so.

Side effects of pizza :Can someone die from eating pizza? You will say how this can happen, pizza is very tasty and children also like it very much. But a surprising case has come to light in a US town in Texas, where an 11-year-old girl ate pizza at school and then had such an … Read more

पिज्जा खाने से दूर हो सकती है ये गंभीर बीमारी, वैज्ञानिकों ने किया खुलासा

पिज्जा को एक अनहेल्दी फास्ट फूड माना जाता है. कहा जाता है कि इसे खाने से वजन बढ़ने का खतरा तो रहता ही है, साथ ही साथ मोटापा, डायबिटीज, हार्ट अटैक और हाई ब्लड प्रेशर जैसी बीमारियां भी हो सकती हैं. लेकिन अगर हम आपसे कहें कि पिज्जा खाने से एक गंभीर बीमारी का जोखिम … Read more

Eating pizza burger can invite this big disease

Side Effect Of Pizza Burger: Are you also fond of eating fast food and whenever you feel like ordering pizza burger or french fries from Zomato or Swiggy? So next time before doing this, you must think about this article once, because today we are going to tell you about the serious illness caused by … Read more

Apart from increasing the taste of pizza, oregano can also provide relief from pain.

Oregano Health Benefits: Be it kids or adults, pizza is everyone’s favourite. Some people go out and eat pizza while some order it at home and get it. But you must have noticed one thing while eating pizza that oregano and chili flakes are eaten together to increase the taste of pizza. Actually oregano is … Read more

Frozen Pizza, Ready To Eat Meals And Pre-Packaged Soups Can Kill You Early In Life: Study

Daily consumption of frozen pizzas, ready-to-eat meals and pre-packaged meals can kill you early in life, a new study has revealed. Consumption of such foods was associated with more than 10 percent of premature, preventable deaths in Brazil in 2019, according to new research. (Representational Image) New Delhi: Home cooked food is always good for … Read more

Eat pizza, burger and chaat on the day of Cheat Day, yet the weight will not increase

Eat pizza, burger and chaat on the day of Cheat Day, yet the weight will not increase. Source link

5 Benefits Of Pizza That You Might Be Missing Out On

Benefits of Pizza: When people think of pizza, they associate it with being automatically unhealthy. It will be in the same category as burgers, fries, sausages and other foods. However, it is often based on the ingredients used in pizza. Pizza, contrary to popular belief, comes in a variety of styles, and you can even … Read more