Causes, symptoms and prevention measures of baldness, get thick hair by eating these things

Causes, symptoms and prevention measures of baldness, get thick hair by eating these things

Cause Of Baldness: Hair loss is deeply associated with age. Hair fall in growing age is not as harmful as hair fall of young children and youth. Because hair directly affects the looks and in today’s era, looks matter a lot in the race for career. Hair is important for everyone not only in terms … Read more

Monkey Pox: Symptoms, Treatment and How Is It Different From Chicken Pox

Monkey Pox: Symptoms, Treatment and How Is It Different From Chicken Pox

Monkeypox There is a rare viral infection that is similar to smallpox in humans. It was first seen in study monkeys in 1958. Monkeypox was first discovered in humans in 1970. The disease is found mostly in the tropical rainforests of Central and West Africa, although it is also found in other parts of the … Read more

What is tomato flu disease that spreads among children? Know the symptoms and prevention

What is tomato flu disease that spreads among children?  Know the symptoms and prevention

Tomato Flu Symptoms And Treatment: Once again the increasing cases of corona across the country have raised concern, while now a new fever in Kerala has become a problem for the children. Tomato flu fever is spreading in some parts of Kerala. Children below 5 years of age are falling prey to it. Tomato fever … Read more

What should be done in case of heat stroke? Know the symptoms and prevention of heat stroke

What should be done in case of heat stroke?  Know the symptoms and prevention of heat stroke

Heatstroke Or Sunstroke: What happens after a heat stroke, how can you know if you or a family member has got a heat stroke? Once it is known, many questions like how to treat it, come together in the mind. Because heatstroke may be a seasonal problem, but if it is not treated on time, … Read more

Do You Really Need to Check With a Doctor Before Starting to Exercise?

Do You Really Need to Check With a Doctor Before Starting to Exercise?

Photo: monkey business images (Shutterstock) I’m sure you’ve heard it everywhere :Cconsult a physician before beginning any exercise program. This is the standard disclaimer on fitness advice of any kind, which most of us probably ignore. But they should you? Not necessarily, it turns out. Why are you supposed to see a doctor before working … Read more

Know what is sleep paralysis and its causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention – GoMedii

Know what is sleep paralysis and its causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention – GoMedii

Difficulty falling asleep, falling asleep, having strange or scary dreams while falling asleep often happens to many people. All these can be sleep disorders. In today’s hectic life, most people are affected by lack of sleep. There are many people who are struggling with the problem of not sleeping at night and instead they sometimes … Read more

What You Can Do Now to Prevent Osteoporosis

What You Can Do Now to Prevent Osteoporosis

About 60 percent of women and 40 percent of men over the age of 50 have low bone mass, and those numbers increase with age. The National Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that 50% of women and 25% of men over the age of 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime. Bone is constantly being … Read more