These foods will be included in the daily diet, then a terrible disease like cancer will remain away

Cause of Cancer: When any cell in the body continues to grow abnormally, then it takes the form of growing cancer. The process of making and dying of cells in our body goes on continuously. But when the body is not able to control its growth during the formation of a cell, then later it … Read more

Increase immunity of children in this way, health will remain

Monsoon Child Care Tips: Change of weather during monsoon often worsens the health of people. Especially children, sometimes due to getting wet in the rain and sometimes due to sudden change in weather, often get sick. To maintain and increase the immunity of your children during monsoon, special care should be taken of their food … Read more

Mouth will remain healthy and teeth will shine with pearls, follow these home remedies for oral health

DIY Tips For Oral Health: The mouth is like a doorway to our body. Whatever food and drink goes inside from here, it makes or deteriorates the health of our body. If we eat good things then our body will be healthy and unhealthy things will spoil our health. Just as you take care of … Read more

Do these asanas with remembrance of those with fatty liver, they will remain healthy

Yoga To Keep Liver Healthy: Liver problems have increased since the advent of the Side Effects of Fast Food. Today one out of every 10 people is suffering from liver problems. Most of the problems are related to fatty liver, liver cirrhosis. Liver problems are affecting our lives. To overcome this problem, yoga will be … Read more

These are the 3 mantras of fitness, obesity and diseases will remain away

What Is The Fitness Mantra Of Life: The way people have a craze about fitness, it seems that how difficult it is to get fitness. It is not at all that if you adopt a healthy lifestyle and make some rules in your life, then your health will always be good. You do not need … Read more

Keep yourself safe from these herbs in monsoon, many diseases will remain away

Herbs for Monsoon : In the changing season, there is a risk of getting many types of diseases. Especially in the rainy season, people are more prone to problems related to cold, cold, fever and allergies. The reason for this may be our weak immunity. In such a situation, it is very important to boost … Read more

Eat lotus cucumber daily, these 6 problems like cholesterol and obesity will remain away

Lotus Root: Eat lotus cucumber daily, these 6 problems like cholesterol and obesity will remain away. Source link

Blood pressure patients should not eat ordinary salt, but eat this pink salt, BP will remain under control

Benefits Of Pink Salt: Nowadays, due to negligence in food and processed food, blood pressure, sugar and other problems are being created. High blood pressure damages the heart, increasing the risk of heart attack. In such a situation, one thing that harms the patient of blood pressure is common salt. If there is a problem … Read more