Why does the risk of heart attack increase in women after 40, know the easy way to avoid it

Why does the risk of heart attack increase in women after 40, know the easy way to avoid it

Why does the risk of heart attack increase in women after 40, know the easy way to avoid it. Source link

Drive away the risk of malaria by eating kheer, you will find this information interesting

Drive away the risk of malaria by eating kheer, you will find this information interesting

How to Prevent Malaria: Mosquitoes are at their peak once again. The rain is almost gone and the weather is slowly turning to welcome winter. The name of this change in the weather is autumn. In our country there are three seasons but there are four seasons. When autumn comes after the rains, the air … Read more

Ultraprocessed foods tied to colorectal cancer risk, study finds

Ultraprocessed foods tied to colorectal cancer risk, study finds

Many large studies conducted over long periods of time have shown that consuming a diet rich in ultra-processed foods it increases the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, depression and premature death. Most of these highly processed foods, for example, soft drinks, sweet and salty packaged snacks, margarine, mass-produced breads, instant noodles, … Read more

How Many Steps You Really Need to Take Each Day, According to Science

How Many Steps You Really Need to Take Each Day, According to Science

Photo: Ljupco Smokovski (Shutterstock) The more you walk, the lower your risk of all-cause and cancer mortality, according to a new study, and the benefits level off once you hit 10,000 steps per day. Clearly, that’s the number of steps to aim for, isn’t it? Studies comparing health outcomes to step counting sound pretty convincing, … Read more

Diabetes patients be careful! Use of sugar free increases the risk of heart and brain stroke

Diabetes patients be careful!  Use of sugar free increases the risk of heart and brain stroke

Diabetes Control: Nowadays people have started using sugar free products a lot. Sugar-free packaged food is considered healthy, but using them too much can harm your health. A report published in the British Medical Journal says that people who use more sugar-free tablets or products made from them for a long time are at higher … Read more

Ayurveda and Yoga can reduce the risk of Kovid-19, research reveals

Ayurveda and Yoga can reduce the risk of Kovid-19, research reveals

COVID-19 Treatment: Yoga and Ayurveda can prove to be very effective in case of high risks of Kovid-19. The study conducted by researchers from IIT Delhi and Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar has proved that Ayurveda and Yoga can be successful in treating patients of Kovid. According to reports published in the Indian Journal of Traditional … Read more

Does the flu vaccine reduce the risk of heart attack? Big disclosure in the study

Does the flu vaccine reduce the risk of heart attack?  Big disclosure in the study

Study on Flu Vaccine: The flu vaccine is of great use. It can prove to be very helpful in reducing the risk of heart attack. Studies show that the flu shot can reduce the risk of stroke. According to researchers, taking the annual flu vaccine can help reduce the risk of heart attack. The study’s … Read more

These 4 reasons increase the risk of heart attack in women, recognize the symptoms in time

These 4 reasons increase the risk of heart attack in women, recognize the symptoms in time

Heart Attack Risks: An unhealthy lifestyle and increased stress can increase the risk of heart attack. Blood flow stops in a heart attack. In this condition, blood cannot circulate in the heart. These days the risk of heart attack in women is increasing very fast. According to media reports, the risk of heart attack in … Read more