These symptoms visible in the feet can be a sign of cholesterol, get treatment immediately

These symptoms visible in the feet can be a sign of cholesterol, get treatment immediately

High Cholesterol Level: High cholesterol in the body can be the cause of many diseases. In such a situation, controlling cholesterol is very important. Especially with the increase in cholesterol, the chances of getting cardiovascular disease increase significantly. Along with this, there is also a risk of coronary artery disease, stroke due to this. High … Read more

Mild headache can also be a sign of brain tumor, do not ignore these signs

Mild headache can also be a sign of brain tumor, do not ignore these signs

Brain Tumor Symptoms: In the rapidly changing lifestyle, there will be few people who do not complain of headache. This could be because of their busy schedule. This is the reason that when a headache occurs, people take it lightly and try to cure it by taking pain killers. Doing so can also get you … Read more

Frequent sweating can be a sign of these diseases, do not ignore

Frequent sweating can be a sign of these diseases, do not ignore

Are You Sweating Exessively, Be Alert: Our body is made up of many elements. In this, many actions keep happening simultaneously. There is a similar action, sweating is usually a sign of a healthy body. Sweat comes to us after working hard on any work, but some people sweat without doing anything. Excessive sweating can … Read more

Do not ignore the headache, it can also be a sign of this serious disease

Do not ignore the headache, it can also be a sign of this serious disease

Brain Tumor Symptoms : Our brain is of 1400 grams. It has 4 parts. Each part of the brain works differently. If the brain does not function properly, then many functions of the body can be affected. When a lump forms in the cells of the brain, then this condition is called a tumor. Tumors … Read more

Do not ignore the cough that is happening for a long time, it can be a sign of asthma

Do not ignore the cough that is happening for a long time, it can be a sign of asthma

Asthma : It is normal to have cough and cold problem with the changing season. In this type of problem, the problems often get cured after taking the medicine, but if you have the problem of cough for a long time, then it can indicate towards asthma. Yes, prolonged cough can be a sign of … Read more

Prick-like pain in these parts of the body is a sign of high cholesterol

Prick-like pain in these parts of the body is a sign of high cholesterol

Signs Of High Cholesterol: One of the many silent and slow growing diseases inside the body is the problem of high cholesterol. Like life-threatening diseases like diabetes and cancer, it is not easy to recognize this disease in the beginning. First of all, know what is cholesterol? It is such a thick and fatty substance, … Read more

If there is a burning sensation in the chest, do not ignore it, apart from heart attack, these diseases can be a sign

If there is a burning sensation in the chest, do not ignore it, apart from heart attack, these diseases can be a sign

Heart Burn Problem: When there is a burning sensation in the chest, there is a strange feeling of nervousness and restlessness. Many times there is a strong burning sensation in the middle of the chest. Many times we ignore it, but if there is more trouble, then the fear of heart attack starts troubling. If … Read more

Be careful on seeing these symptoms in the body, may be a sign of pancreatic cancer

Be careful on seeing these symptoms in the body, may be a sign of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic Cancer: Be careful on seeing these symptoms in the body, it can be a sign of pancreatic cancer. Source link