5 easy ways to eat amla, definitely include one gooseberry in your diet every day

5 easy ways to eat amla, definitely include one gooseberry in your diet every day

Benefits Or Gooseberry: Amla is such a fruit that is considered to be a fruit that keeps longevity and youth for a long time. Amla is a superfood which is full of properties. From reducing weight to increasing immunity, you should consume amla. If you eat amla on an empty stomach, it gives many benefits … Read more

To lose weight, eat this flour bread, obesity will reduce

To lose weight, eat this flour bread, obesity will reduce

Weight Loss Roti: People who are dieting for weight loss stop eating roti completely, but this is wrong. Not eating roti for a long time affects health. In such a situation, if you feel that eating wheat bread increases weight, then you can eat roti made from other flour instead. There are many types of … Read more

Know what is the right time and way to drink green tea

Know what is the right time and way to drink green tea

Green Tea Benefits: Nowadays, the trend of drinking green tea has increased a lot among people, people who want to lose weight or want to stay fit, they definitely drink green tea 1-2 times a day. Most people drink green tea in the morning on an empty stomach. Drinking green tea detoxifies the body and … Read more

These green vegetables help in weight loss and dieting

These green vegetables help in weight loss and dieting

Vegetable For Weight Loss: To lose weight, nowadays people are resorting to dieting the most. However, reducing obesity is a big challenge in itself. In such a situation, people who are dieting do not understand what to eat, which will fill the stomach and also reduce weight. Today we are telling you such low-calorie green … Read more

Side Effects Of White Bread: Eat white bread in daily breakfast, may have to bear the loss

Side Effects Of White Bread: Eat white bread in daily breakfast, may have to bear the loss

Side Effects Of White Bread: In today’s run-of-the-mill life, everything is slowly changing. Even in our table in the morning breakfast, paratha curd has been replaced by western food like bread butter and corn flakes milk etc. Because nowadays people want to eat in minutes but shy away from giving time on it. But do … Read more

Weight Loss: 5 Reasons Why Belly Fat Won’t Go Away Easily

Weight Loss: 5 Reasons Why Belly Fat Won’t Go Away Easily

Reasons behind belly fat: Getting rid of excess fat or belly fat is a goal for many people. People accumulate belly fat for a variety of reasons, including poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. Most people have to constantly fight against belly fat because fat accumulation in this part of the body is easy … Read more

If you want to lose weight, then eat this healthy breakfast

If you want to lose weight, then eat this healthy breakfast

Weight Loss Food: Do not know what to do to control weight. Diseases start as soon as obesity increases in the body. Once the weight is increased, it becomes very difficult to reduce it. Our lifestyle is the biggest reason behind weight gain. Diet is most important to reduce obesity. Some people consume more junk … Read more

It is a habit to stay up late at night, so eat these 5 healthy things when you are hungry

It is a habit to stay up late at night, so eat these 5 healthy things when you are hungry

Healthy Snacks: Nowadays people have a habit of staying awake till late at night. Young people especially do not get sleep early in the night. Many times people stay awake till late night in order to watch a film or a series. In such a situation, there is a strong hunger in the night. Those … Read more