Eating protein-rich foods after intermittent fasting has an amazing effect on the gut.

According to recent research, following a protein diet after intermittent fasting results in rapid weight loss. Researchers have found that intermittent fasting and protein consumption keep the gut healthy and the microbiome also improves significantly. It also improves digestion. Along with this, one also gets relief from stomach related problems. According to a report published … Read more

cardiac arrests Young people are having more

Heart Attack: Cardiac arrest occurs when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted. It can come anywhere, anytime. In the last two years, many famous celebrities died of cardiac arrest while exercising. Many youths have died of cardiac arrest. Recently a video surfaced in which the bride fell on the stage while garlanding the … Read more

Beard turning white at a young age, know the reason and prevention, change these habits today

Reason Of White Hair In Beard: In earlier times, when one’s hair used to turn white or beard hair ripened, it was linked to age, but the way lifestyle is changing rapidly, now young people are turning white and beard K’s hair is drying up. Nowadays, beard hair is turning white in the youth between … Read more

Take care of your skin and hair with these simple ginger remedies, you will look super young

Self Care Tips For Men With Home Remedies: You must have read and heard many things related to health about the properties of ginger. Because in our country, essential spices like ginger are used in abundance in the kitchen of every home. Like, from tea to vegetables and pulses. Sometimes ginger is used by grinding, … Read more

Best Food for Heart: Include these things in the diet for a young heart, you will be protected from diseases

Diet for Heart Health: If the heart is happy and healthy, then the whole world also looks happy. But if there is any kind of disease in the heart then it can be very fatal for you. Therefore it is very important to keep the heart safe and healthy. To keep the heart healthy, it … Read more

Women who eat these 5 things, stay young for a long time

Women Healthy Diet And food: Every woman wants to look young and beautiful for a long time. However, it is also a matter that age starts showing on the face of women sooner than men. Many times this happens due to carelessness in food and not taking proper care of the skin. Women are very … Read more

Beauty Tips: Say Bye-Bye to growing age.. Follow these home remedies, you will look young at every age

Skin Tightening Tips: With age, wrinkles start appearing on the face and looseness in the skin also. Sometimes even at a young age, due to some reason the skin tightening starts to end. In such a situation, many women start taking face lift, Botox or many other treatments to maintain beauty. It may also have … Read more

Tomato flu is spreading rapidly in these three states, take special care of young children

Tomato Flu Infection in Children: In a large part of the country these days an infection is spreading rapidly among young children. Its name is Tomato Flu. This infection is rapidly taking children under the age of 5 years (Infectious disease). Although the children infected with this flu in the country so far include innocent … Read more