These symptoms are visible in the feet due to increase in cholesterol, adopt the prevention tips immediately

Health Tips: High cholesterol increases the chances of getting cardiovascular disease. Along with this, the risk of many other problems in the body such as coronary artery disease, stroke, etc. increases. That’s why health experts recommend controlling the level of cholesterol in the body. The symptoms of high cholesterol in the body are not visible … Read more

If you are suffering from malaria, then adopt this Ayurvedic treatment, you will get relief

Malaria Precaution And Home Remedies: With the arrival of the rainy season, the threat of malaria and dengue starts troubling. Malaria is a dangerous disease caused by mosquito bites. It is considered one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Malaria is spread through the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. To avoid the … Read more

There is a problem of sensitivity in the teeth, so adopt these home remedies

Remedies For Teeth Sensitivity: Keeping teeth healthy, beautiful and shiny is a difficult task. Especially with age, the problem of teeth also starts. The problem of sensitivity increases in the teeth of some people. There is a tingling feeling in the teeth. Any cold and hot food starts getting stuck in the teeth. This causes … Read more

Only these 5 habits will make you slim without going to the gym, adopt today

Weight Loss Daily Routine: Nowadays everyone is troubled by obesity. Everyone is gaining weight due to bad lifestyle and eating habits. Especially youth and women are very worried about increasing weight. It is absolutely true that losing weight is not that easy. You have to do yoga and exercise a lot. A healthy diet has … Read more

These 5 things will keep you away from depression in old age, adopt from now

Cause Of Depression In Old Age: Nowadays it is the era of single family. Most of the parents and their children live in the flats. In such a situation, the third generation i.e. grandparents either live in some other city or live alone in the village. Earlier it was said that children are the sticks … Read more

These spices of your kitchen will remove acidity, adopt easy home remedies

Home Remedies: These spices of your kitchen will remove acidity, adopt easy home remedies. Source link

Adopt these habits in life, there will be no risk of dementia in old age

What Is Dementia: Dementia is the name of such a disease of forgetfulness, to cure which even today’s science cannot do much. After a limit, the patient suffering from this disease finds it difficult to remember things. He may even forget his own identity (Forgetfullness). In whichever family there is a patient suffering from dementia, … Read more

Adopt this healthy lifestyle for healthy kidney, take care of these things

Healthy Kidney: To keep the body healthy, it is necessary for every organ to be healthy. When the age increases, many types of problems start happening in the body. Metabolism slows down, causing many problems in the body. This affects the overall health. Sometimes there is an increase in weight, which also affects the heart … Read more