Stomach will be very clean in just 5 minutes, follow these home remedies

Stomach will be very clean in just 5 minutes, follow these home remedies

Upset Stomach: After eating junk food and things made from all purpose flour, people often get stomach related problems. Some people’s stomach is not cleaned properly even after spending hours in the bathroom. There is some problem in the stomach. Such people are afraid to eat anything. I do not understand what to eat so … Read more

Collagen protein is essential for beautiful skin, increase collagen with these foods

Collagen protein is essential for beautiful skin, increase collagen with these foods

Collagen Protein Diet: The effect of your diet is also visible on your face. If you eat healthy food, then the skin also remains healthy and you remain young for a long time. To make the skin young and glowing, you should include foods rich in collagen protein in your diet. Collagen is a protein … Read more

These simple ayurvedic rules will improve digestion and strengthen immunity

These simple ayurvedic rules will improve digestion and strengthen immunity

Pachan Shakti: The more important it is to eat good food, the more important is the digestion of that food. If you take a healthy diet, but your digestion is not correct, then your body does not even get the full nutrition of the food eaten. Along with this, the problem of indigestion, gas, sour … Read more

Is the medicine you bought genuine or fake? QR code will now be applied on 300 pharmaceutical brands

Is the medicine you bought genuine or fake?  QR code will now be applied on 300 pharmaceutical brands

Government Shortlisted 300 Drugs for QR Code: The Drugs Regulatory Authority has prepared a list of 300 medicines and sent it to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, which will have a QR code. This rule will bring transparency in the sale and pricing of medicines and their black marketing will be reduced. These … Read more

Keeping hormones balanced? Include this diet in the diet

Keeping hormones balanced?  Include this diet in the diet

Hormonal Imbalance: Keeping hormones balanced? Include this diet in the diet. Source link

To keep the heart healthy, include this diet in the diet

To keep the heart healthy, include this diet in the diet

Foods for Heart: To keep the heart healthy, include this diet in the diet. Source link

Make these 5 dry fruits a part of the diet, they will remain healthy and thin

Make these 5 dry fruits a part of the diet, they will remain healthy and thin

Weight Loss Tips: If you want to remain healthy and slim for a long time, then make dry fruits a part of your diet. Eating nuts brings strength to the body and makes the body strong. The special thing is that it also helps in weight loss. Those who are dieting must eat dry fruits. … Read more

Tea can also reduce weight, but drink this tea instead of milk

Tea can also reduce weight, but drink this tea instead of milk

Tea For Weight Loss: If you are fond of drinking tea and want to lose weight, then now you do not have to worry. You do not need to give up tea to become thin, you just need to change the way you make tea. If you drink tea with milk, then instead you start … Read more