You can save life in case of heart attack, just understand about these life saving tips

You can save life in case of heart attack, just understand about these life saving tips

Due to the changing lifestyle and stress, nowadays not only the elderly but also the youth are losing their lives due to heart attack. Youngsters are also falling prey to this dangerous disease. In such a situation, it is necessary to include some such things in our lifestyle so that we can avoid falling prey … Read more

You can also save someone’s life in case of heart attack, only these two things have to be done

You can also save someone’s life in case of heart attack, only these two things have to be done

What Is CPR Method: Nowadays the cases of heart attack are coming very much. People get heart attack while laughing. Many times you must have seen people suddenly falling on a public place. It could be a heart attack or cardiac arrest. If you are there and you know how to give CPR then you … Read more

Do not do this work even after forgetting it immediately after eating food, if you leave, life will change

Do not do this work even after forgetting it immediately after eating food, if you leave, life will change

Healthy Lifestyle: If you want to stay fit and fit, then you should take full care of your diet and fitness. The more disciplined your diet is for health, the more healthy you will be. If you are careless in your diet, then many types of problems can come in your body. That’s why it … Read more

Life gets derailed again and again, so make these habits your partner

Life gets derailed again and again, so make these habits your partner

How To Start Day: We all want our life to be managed and smooth, but this happens to very few people. Most of the people avoid taking the responsibility of this situation by blaming their luck and circumstances and are not able to put enough effort to get the things in life which they aspire … Read more

The best way to avoid stress, know how you can live a stress free life

The best way to avoid stress, know how you can live a stress free life

How To Live Stress Free: To reduce stress or its bad effect on our heart and mind, change the way we understand and see stress. If you are thinking about anything. If we have some reflection or are a little stressed, then stop getting angry with yourself for that matter. The author of a book … Read more

This virus changed life so much, people started living in themselves

This virus changed life so much, people started living in themselves

Coronavirus wreaked havoc in India. People came in the grip of the virus from house to house. Cough, fever, cold and face masks, all this was seen in this country for 2 years. The delta variant even ruined people’s families. A large number of people died due to this virus. The effect of the virus … Read more

Digestive disorders disturb a lot, this is how the happiness and peace of life is snatched away

Digestive disorders disturb a lot, this is how the happiness and peace of life is snatched away

Healthy Digestive System: The digestive system of our body is made up of many organs from the food pipe to the anus. All these organs work from digesting food to absorbing its nutrients and removing waste material from the body. If there is any problem in any of these organs then digestion gets disturbed. Here … Read more