Lose weight with these Ayurvedic herbs, consume it like this

Lose weight with these Ayurvedic herbs, consume it like this

Weight Loss With Ayurveda: Weight loss is a big challenge these days. Especially if you do a desk job, it becomes very difficult to lose weight. The reason is that due to the desk job, the physical work of most people is greatly reduced. Because of this, obesity starts increasing very fast. If you are … Read more

Benefits of eating gluten free – Lose weight, increase energy and strengthen digestion

Benefits of eating gluten free – Lose weight, increase energy and strengthen digestion

Gluten Free Diet For Non Celiacs: Nowadays the trend of gluten free food is increasing rapidly. Eating gluten free helps in weight loss and digestion. Diabetes can also be controlled with gluten free diet. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. People who are allergic to gluten should not consume products made … Read more

Eat these 5 gluten free things to lose weight, in a few days you will start getting thinner

Eat these 5 gluten free things to lose weight, in a few days you will start getting thinner

Weight Loss: Eat these 5 gluten free things to lose weight, in a few days you will start becoming thin. Source link

Do this work before sleeping, it will be easy to lose weight

Do this work before sleeping, it will be easy to lose weight

Food And Diet For Weight Loss: The trend of losing weight and becoming thin has gone on. Everyone is engaged in losing weight in some way or the other. Losing weight is a good thing. Due to this many diseases stay away from the body. Although some people are not able to lose weight even … Read more

Weight Loss: Is it good to climb stairs to lose weight? Read this news to know

Weight Loss: Is it good to climb stairs to lose weight?  Read this news to know

Benefits of Climbing Stairs : Nowadays everyone wants to be fit, no one can tolerate the increasing weight for this. In such a situation, people adopt every method to lose weight, from diet to sweating for hours in the gym, which can reduce their weight. For this people also climb stairs. Anyway, climbing stairs is … Read more

There is a good chance to lose weight in Navratri, just keep these things in mind

There is a good chance to lose weight in Navratri, just keep these things in mind

Navratri 2022: The festival of Navratri full of colours, tradition, songs and dance makes our mind quite energized. On hearing the name of Navratri, many people feel a different new energy. During this, everyone is happy to see different types of programs and pandals being punished for 9 days. Also, many people keep a fast … Read more

For what reasons do people lose memory or forget things, how much is it related to age?

For what reasons do people lose memory or forget things, how much is it related to age?

What is Alzheimer’s and its cause: Forgetting is a common problem. For example, we forget someone’s name and cannot remember immediately, forget to keep the car key or keep everyday things like pens and glasses and in a short time forget where we have put them. was kept. These problems are related to memory but … Read more

What to eat semolina or gram flour to lose weight? Know their benefits

What to eat semolina or gram flour to lose weight?  Know their benefits

Dieting For Weight Loss: All of you must have consumed semolina and gram flour. Most of the people use them to make delicious dishes like Halwa, Dhokla, Cheela, Uttapam, Dosa, Laddu. Both semolina and gram flour are considered very healthy food. They contain a wealth of nutritive elements. Both semolina and gram flour are very … Read more