Unexplained Weight Gain? 6 Tell-Tale Signs of Slow Metabolism and How to Enhance it

Unexplained Weight Gain? 6 Tell-Tale Signs of Slow Metabolism and How to Enhance it

Metabolism rate is one of the most important factors to be mindful of especially when trying to lose weight. The persistent feeling of tiredness, sluggishness and lethargy can be initial warning signs of slow metabolism. Metabolism is basically chemical reactions that take place inside our body’s cells and help to convert food into energy. The … Read more

थायरॉइड को कंट्रोल करने के लिए अपनाएं ये 4 घरेलू उपाय, इससे दवा का एमजी भी हो जाएगा कम

थायरॉइड को कंट्रोल करने के लिए अपनाएं ये 4 घरेलू उपाय, इससे दवा का एमजी भी हो जाएगा कम

Home Remedies for Thyroid Problems : जब लोग ‘थायरॉइड’ शब्द सुनते हैं, तो अधिकांश लोग इसे बीमारी समझते हैं. हालांकि, वास्तव में थायरॉइड हमारे गले का एक हिस्सा है, एक ग्रंथि जो शरीर को सही तरीके से काम करने में मदद करने वाले हार्मोन उत्पादित करती है.यह ग्रंथि सही ढंग से काम नहीं करती है, … Read more

दिन की शुरुआत गर्म पानी से करते हैं तो जानें पांच बड़े फायदे, नहीं पीते तो आज से करें शुरू

दिन की शुरुआत गर्म पानी से करते हैं तो जानें पांच बड़े फायदे, नहीं पीते तो आज से करें शुरू

Hot Drinking Water : रोजाना सुबह उठकर गर्म पानी पीना स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत ही फायदेमंद होता है. गर्म पानी पीने से पाचन तंत्र मजबूत होता है और कब्ज की समस्या दूर होती है. यह आंतों की गतिविधि को बढ़ाता है. साथ ही गर्म पानी में मौजूद गर्मी वजन घटाने में मदद करती है क्योंकि … Read more

Metabolism is bad, then every trick to lose weight will fail, know how it will be cured?

Metabolism is bad, then every trick to lose weight will fail, know how it will be cured?

How Good Metabolism Helps In Weight Loss: Your question may be that what is the relation between metabolism and weight loss. It is necessary to understand it in some detail. First of all, know that the process of metabolism is a kind of chemical process. Which converts the food we eat into energy. With this … Read more

Eating ghee is beneficial for health, but how many spoons should be eaten in a day?

Eating ghee is beneficial for health, but how many spoons should be eaten in a day?

Eating ghee is considered beneficial for health. From health experts to nutrition experts often recommend eating ghee. It is also said that ghee should be absolutely included in the diet. There are so many nutrients in it. You will not find that in anything. Now the question arises that how many spoons of ghee should … Read more

Is it really good to drink green juice to increase metabolism? Know the correct answer here

Is it really good to drink green juice to increase metabolism?  Know the correct answer here

Green Juice For Metabolism: Green juice is a famous detox drink and it is very healthy for you. As the name suggests, the green ingredients in green juices are mainly green vegetables. There is no special recipe to make it, you can take whatever you want with simple ingredients like celery, kale, spinach, cucumber, parsley, … Read more

Is Slow Metabolism Good or Bad? Learn How Cardio Affects It

Is Slow Metabolism Good or Bad?  Learn How Cardio Affects It

Metabolism Surprising Effects: Some people find it challenging to lose weight by simply restricting calories because their metabolism is sluggish, burning fewer calories and storing more calories as body fat. Because calories are burned more quickly when your metabolism is high, this helps explain why some people can eat a lot without gaining weight. How … Read more

Ayurveda tips: 5 herbs for people with diabetes to prevent heart attack

Ayurveda tips: 5 herbs for people with diabetes to prevent heart attack

Heart attack Y sudden cardiac arrest cases are rising across the country, and even the youngest people who lead seemingly healthy lifestyles have hidden heart problems that sometimes show no symptoms at all. Covid has played its own role in weakening our hearts, while the cocktail of sedentary lifestyle and stress could prove deadly for … Read more