Do not tolerate hunger to be thin, rather manage it, learn the method of hunger management

Do not tolerate hunger to be thin, rather manage it, learn the method of hunger management

How to control weight without dieting: Navratri is about to come and there is a long group of people who have thought that with the fasting of Navratri, they will start the mission of controlling their weight. This happens every time, every 6 months, when Navratri is about to come, then people do so much … Read more

Bathing is not just a bath, if you use the right method then you can avoid these diseases.

Bathing is not just a bath, if you use the right method then you can avoid these diseases.

Best Way To Bath: Physiology has to be taken care of even while taking a bath. So that pouring water on the body gives you relief and not disease. According to Ayurveda, bathing also has its own method so that the body temperature can be reduced gradually. When you start bathing according to this method, … Read more

Celebs adopt this old method for beautiful smile, very easy and effective

Celebs adopt this old method for beautiful smile, very easy and effective

Beautiful smile teeth whitening: We all wish for white teeth, beautiful smile and healthy gums. Especially people who have had toothache even once, they want to stay away from this terrible pain for life. Here you are being told such an Ayurvedic method that completely cleans your mouth from your smile to oral hygiene, that … Read more

New strength training protocol provides new insight in how we build muscle

New strength training protocol provides new insight in how we build muscle

For those of us dreaming of packing on a little extra muscle, or just hanging on to what we’ve got, there was tantalizing news at the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual conference in San Diego earlier this month. One of the “paper of the year”, chosen for their impact and significance for research, promote … Read more

If you want thick hair and glowing skin, then include black lentils in your diet, eat with this method

If you want thick hair and glowing skin, then include black lentils in your diet, eat with this method

Glowing Skin: We all want thick black hair and glowing flawless skin. To fulfill this desire, we use many beauty products. There are very few people who, along with the use of skin care products, keep a close eye on their diet plan so that they can consume more and more foods which are good … Read more

Drinking coffee with this method reduces weight, gets plenty of energy

Drinking coffee with this method reduces weight, gets plenty of energy

Coffee Benefits And Weight Loss: Whether you want to control your increasing weight or you want to reduce the increased weight by a few kilos (Weight Loss), you can take the help of coffee in this work. Yes, if it is consumed by mixing a special DIY paste in coffee that gives instant energy to … Read more

How to reduce weight and belly after delivery, follow this effective method

How to reduce weight and belly after delivery, follow this effective method

Weight Loss After Pregnancy: Women eat heavily during pregnancy. During pregnancy, women have different types of cravings, due to which the weight increases more. Grandmothers advise pregnant women to eat for two lives, in such a situation some women increase their diet more than necessary. The result of all these things is that even after … Read more

If there is trouble in sleeping, then follow this method, Nindia queen will be surrounded as soon as she lies down

If there is trouble in sleeping, then follow this method, Nindia queen will be surrounded as soon as she lies down

Sleeping Tips: You want to have a good night’s sleep, but even after lying in bed for hours, you cannot sleep. This is really disturbing because because of this, you do not feel completely energetic and refreshed the next day. Due to this, yawning and fatigue prevail throughout the day, which affects the work of … Read more