Psychologist reveals 3 signs you didn’t know were related to anxiety

A psychologist has revealed three signs that could be related to anxiety and that many people are unaware of. Birmingham-based chartered psychologist Dr Lalitaa Suglani, who is also the author of High Functioning Anxiety: A 5-Step Guide to Calming Inner Panic and Thriving, took to Instagram to share the information in a recent mail. In … Read more

Does heart patient suffer from eating eggs, know whether egg increases cholesterol?

Truth About Eggs And Cholesterol: Eggs are included in breakfast in most households. Many tasty dishes are prepared from eggs. Especially in winter, people eat eggs with great passion. That’s why it is said to eat eggs daily whether it is Sunday or Monday. You must eat 1-2 eggs daily. But is eating eggs every … Read more

Egg Effects: How many eggs should be consumed in a day, otherwise health may have to suffer

Egg Eating Side Effects: Eggs have been considered a treasure of health. The nutrients found in it help in making you healthy. If eggs are included in the category of superfood, then it will not be wrong. Anything too can harm the health. Yes, today we will tell you about how many eggs you should … Read more

Mental health tips: 4 powerful ways spirituality can ease anxiety and depression

spirituality is the science of the spiritthe atman or the soul that helps us overcome our ignorance and realize the truth about life, God, who we are and about this world. It frees us from the bonds of myths, superstitions, and lies, and experts believe that if we continue to walk the path of spirituality, … Read more

Triphala: Do not consume Triphala properly, may have to suffer health damage

Side Effects Of Eating Triphala: There are many benefits of Triphala, so that health gets many benefits. But consuming too much of it or consuming it in the wrong way can also cause harm to health. Any thing is good as long as its quantity and the way to take it is known, but the … Read more