मोटा होना ही नहीं, पतला होना भी है काफी खतरनाक… जल्द हो सकते हैं इन बीमारियों का शिकार

मोटा होना ही नहीं, पतला होना भी है काफी खतरनाक… जल्द हो सकते हैं इन बीमारियों का शिकार

Underweight : मोटापा सेहत की एक गंभीर समस्या है. खराब खानपान और लाइफस्टाइल की वजह से ये तेजी से बढ़ रही है. इसके कारण कई गंभीर बीमारियों का खतरा बढ़ रहा है. हार्ट डिजीज, डायबिटीज, फैटी लिवर की समस्या मोटापे की वजह से हो सकती है. इन बीमारियों की वजह से शरीर परेशानी में आ जाता … Read more

वेट लॉस के लिए जिम में बहा रहे पैसा तो पढ़ लें ये स्टडी, घर की साफ-सफाई से ही मिलेगा रिजल्ट

वेट लॉस के लिए जिम में बहा रहे पैसा तो पढ़ लें ये स्टडी, घर की साफ-सफाई से ही मिलेगा रिजल्ट

Weight Loss Tips : अगर आप घर के काम से बचते हैं तो एक स्टडी अब आपको उसी काम से प्यार करा देगा. इसके मुताबिक, अगर आपका वजन काफी बढ़ गया है और कैलोरी ज्यादा हो गई है तो घर का काम करने से कैलोरी आसानी और तेजी से बर्न होती हैं, मोटापा घटता है और … Read more

If the body gives this indication, then understand that there is a need to lose weight… no matter how thin you are!

If the body gives this indication, then understand that there is a need to lose weight… no matter how thin you are!

Weight Gain Indication: It often happens that when people start gaining weight in the initial phase, people ignore it and do not do any work to reduce it, because they believe that by increasing one or two kilos, their body will be better. But there will be no effect. But gradually when this weight becomes … Read more

Amazing transformation! This girl reduced 27 kg weight in 8 months, this was her diet and this was her workout routine

Amazing transformation!  This girl reduced 27 kg weight in 8 months, this was her diet and this was her workout routine

Weight Loss Story : Today obesity is one of the biggest and serious problem. Its effect is not only visible on the beauty of the body, it also prepares the house for diseases. Due to obesity, the risk of diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease is increasing. Due to this, self-confidence also reduces a lot, … Read more

One in 16 women and one in 25 men are obese, all of them can be saved if they become slim-trim

One in 16 women and one in 25 men are obese, all of them can be saved if they become slim-trim

The simple meaning of obesity is overweight, but today we will tell you what it means according to the ‘World Health Organization’ (WHO). If you understand obesity or obesity in simple words, then it clearly means accumulation of bad fat on the body. Which can prove to be dangerous for health. If your body’s BMI … Read more

Have belly fat spoiled your fitness even after getting thin arms and legs, try this home remedy

Have belly fat spoiled your fitness even after getting thin arms and legs, try this home remedy

Reduce Belly Fat Tips : Nowadays, the stomach that has come out is becoming everyone’s problem. Due to spoiled lifestyle and food, more fat accumulates in the body. Because of this, the weight increases and health problems start in many ways. Today, many crores of people around the world are troubled by the problem of … Read more

Zucchini is the cure for these problems that occur in summer…the problem will reduce as soon as it is included in the diet

Zucchini is the cure for these problems that occur in summer…the problem will reduce as soon as it is included in the diet

Ridge Gourd: Eating green vegetables in the summer season has its own advantages. Although all green vegetables are beneficial for health, but a vegetable found in summer, which we know as zucchini or zucchini, is more beneficial than other vegetables. Let us tell you that zucchini is a member of the gourd family. It is … Read more