Fatty liver cure tips: Nutritional diet, supplements, lifestyle, fitness tweaks

stay well Health requires the body to undergo regular detoxification and the liver it is crucial to this process where most liver conditions can be avoided. Doctors say that the work-from-home situation and inactivity experienced during lockdown have led to an increase in liver-related disorders and around one member of every family currently suffers from … Read more

Take care of health in work from home, do not ignore these things

Work From Home Side Effects: Kovid has had a profound impact on our lifestyle. Office work has also been affected by the Corona epidemic. Markets have started opening after the Kovid epidemic, but work from home is still going on in many companies. During work from home, many types of physical problems (Work From Home … Read more

Activities that foster safe working environments and advocate mental wellbeing

work places should strongly advocate the importance of breaking the stigma associated with Health and strive to promote Mental Wellness. Considering how the definition of wellness has changed in recent years, office wellness programs must be designed to evolve and stay true to the current lifestyle requirements of the workforce across all age groups, gender, … Read more

Mental health tips: Ways to deal with physical stress from work from home

the culture of Work from home is nothing new, but it became more frequent since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, to keep the country’s economy in line. Although the concept was prevalent earlier in the lawsuit, it was enforced with full effect during the coronavirus pandemic and office culture work is slowly resuming. However, employees who … Read more

Commentary: Employees and managers can’t ignore the mental health impact of working from home

As a social epidemiologist studying contemporary emotional distress in the context of public health crises, I have been interested in understanding what factors contribute to burnout and how it can be successfully managed, particularly given the ongoing challenges created by COVID-19. You might think that researchers know everything there is to know about burnout right … Read more

Burnout and isolation: Impact of working from home

Hybrid work-from-home schedules can help prevent burnout and improve mental health. Hybrid work-from-home schedules can help prevent burnout and improve mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a variety of workplace ills, including “the great resignation,” “quiet resignation,” “overemployment,” labor shortages, and conflicts between managers and employees over returning to work. face-to-face work. Employee … Read more

How moonlighting can affect your mental health and what you need to do to regain your own balance

Moonlighting, for some, is stylish; but for most, it is the need of the hour. Life keeps calling. The needs continue to grow. Social pressures and materialism around you always have high pressure demands on your life. This is especially true if you are the breadwinner. There is a particular lifestyle that we get used … Read more

Mental health in workplace tops agenda as now it’s back to office

Mini After more than two years of getting used to working in pandemic-induced isolation and often extending work hours, but in the comfort of home, employees are now in limbo, wondering if they will be able to cope. the reality of office life. Read what workers and mental health experts are saying about the consequences … Read more