Eating protein-rich foods after intermittent fasting has an amazing effect on the gut.

According to recent research, following a protein diet after intermittent fasting results in rapid weight loss. Researchers have found that intermittent fasting and protein consumption keep the gut healthy and the microbiome also improves significantly. It also improves digestion. Along with this, one also gets relief from stomach related problems. According to a report published … Read more

Eat almonds every morning on an empty stomach, these 5 diseases will be eradicated from their roots. GoMedii – Almonds Benefits Dietary Health and Beauty Benefits in Hindi

Many nutrients are found in almonds and provide relief from many diseases of the body. You can benefit from these benefits by eating almonds every morning on an empty stomach. Among dried fruits, almonds come first. It is said that eating two or three almonds every morning on an empty stomach cures all diseases in … Read more

​8 physical symptoms of too much stress

Digestive problems According to Dr. Sukriti Rex, lead psychologist and researcher at Evolve, “Experts say that stress significantly affects the digestive system. Symptoms can include stomach pains, nausea, indigestion, and even irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).” “fight or flight” of the body. The response diverts blood from the digestive system, disrupting normal digestive functions. Source link

दुबलेपन से आप भी हैं परेशान, तो इन चीजों का रोजाना करें सेवन, जल्द बढ़ेगा आपका वजन

लाख कोशिश करने के बाद भी कुछ लोग मोटे नहीं हो पाते हैं. मोटा होने के लिए वे बाहर के पाउडर और दवाइयों का सेवन करते हैं. लेकिन जरूरत से ज्यादा दवाइयों का सेवन करना शरीर के लिए खतरनाक हो सकता है. पतलेपन की समस्या लोगों को काफी परेशान करती रहती है. अगर आप भी … Read more

ज्यादा तेल और मसालेदार खाना कहीं पड़ न जाए आपकी सेहत पर भारी

अक्सर लोग बाहर का खाना ज्यादा पसंद करते हैं. चाइनीस हो या साउथ इंडियन लोगों को स्पाइसी ही पसंद आता है. इन दिनों बच्चों से लेकर बूढ़ों तक सब में मसालेदार फूड खाने का क्रेज बढ़ गया है. लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं ज्यादा तेल और मसालेदार खाना आपकी सेहत के लिए खतरनाक साबित हो … Read more

Vitamin D Deficiency: Did You Know That Higher Fat Accumulation Affects Vitamin Levels?

Home Health Vitamin D Deficiency: Did You Know That Higher Fat Accumulation Affects Vitamin Levels? Deficiency of Vitamin D is becoming increasingly common. But there is a lesser known connect between body fat and vitamin D levels. Nutritionist explains. Vitamin D Deficiency: Did You Know That Higher Fat Accumulation Affects Vitamin Levels? (Freepik) Vitamin D … Read more

Why is Consuming Fat Important For Body? 5 Ways to Incorporate in Your Everyday Meal

Home Health Why is Consuming Fat Important For Body? 5 Ways to Incorporate in Your Everyday Meal Not all fat is bad and here is why a certain amount of healthy fats are required for the body. Why is Consuming Fat Important For Body? 5 Ways to Incorporate in Your Everyday Meal (Freepik) “Fat is … Read more

Anti-Obesity Day: How to Differentiate Between Extreme Fat and Being Obese? 5 Tips to Prevent it

Home Health Anti-Obesity Day: How to Differentiate Between Extreme Fat and Being Obese? 5 Tips to Prevent it When do we understand that it is not just extreme fat but obesity? Expert explains the difference and suggests tips to be more aware about how we may prevent it. Anti-Obesity Day: How to Differentiate Between Extreme … Read more