Should we avoid eating boudoir in winter? Get the opinion of a health expert

Should we avoid eating boudoir in winter? Get the opinion of a health expert

Veena V, chief clinical dietitian at Aster Whitefield Hospital, Bangalore, said there are no studies or data to prove that eating bhindi or bhindi in winter is bad. In fact, it is rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial at any time of the year. Eating too much ladyfinger can cause gastrointestinal issues … Read more

If you want exceptional gut health, follow these essential dietary rules, says an American doctor about his experience.

If you want exceptional gut health, follow these essential dietary rules, says an American doctor about his experience.

What is the best food to heal your gut: The intestine is an important part of our digestive system. Problems related to digestion are directly linked to the intestine. Due to poor eating habits for a long time, gut health suddenly deteriorates. Dirt gradually begins to accumulate in the intestine. For this reason, problems related … Read more

Gurmeet Chaudhary hasn’t tasted sugar for 6-7 months, know how good it is for health.

Gurmeet Chaudhary hasn’t tasted sugar for 6-7 months, know how good it is for health.

Gurmeet Chaudhary is a well-known name in television and cinema. He remains popular on social media due to his fitness and martial arts skills. When Gurmeet was asked the secret to his fit body, his answer was quite surprising. Gurmeet, 40, says he wakes up every morning and exercises. He also says that 80 percent … Read more

Benefits of eating raw dates and there will be no risk of heart attack – GoMedii

Benefits of eating raw dates and there will be no risk of heart attack – GoMedii

You must have eaten a lot of cooked sweet dates, but have you ever eaten raw dates? Just like ripe dates, eating raw dates also has many health benefits. Raw dates have a distinct taste and contain fewer calories than ripe dates. Eating raw dates increases fertility and immunity. And helps maintain weight control. It … Read more

If You Want to Reduce Your Body’s Bad Cholesterol, Eat These 5 Superfoods – GoMedii | 5 Super Foods to Lower Cholesterol in Hindi

If You Want to Reduce Your Body’s Bad Cholesterol, Eat These 5 Superfoods – GoMedii |  5 Super Foods to Lower Cholesterol in Hindi

Cholesterol is a fatty element produced by the liver. These are of two types: good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. It is useful for the proper functioning of the body. It is also necessary for the body, but its excessive amount increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. To deal with these problems, people also … Read more

ब्रेकफास्ट में इस चीज का सेवन करने से शरीर रहेगा ऊर्जावान, स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी है उत्तम आहार

ब्रेकफास्ट में इस चीज का सेवन करने से शरीर रहेगा ऊर्जावान, स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी है उत्तम आहार

<p>खुद को फिट रखने के लिए लोग जिम, डाइट, व्यायाम, मॉर्निंग वॉक और बहुत कुछ करते हैं. ऐसे में आप भी अपने आपको फिट रखना चाहते हैं, तो यह खबर आपके लिए है. इस रिपोर्ट में हम आपको बताएंगे की कैसे एक आहार को ब्रेकफास्ट में शामिल कर खुद को तंदुरुस्त रख दिन भर ऊर्जावान … Read more

तेजी से घटाना है वजन तो डाइट में शामिल कर लें काबुली चना, ये है खाने का सही समय

तेजी से घटाना है वजन तो डाइट में शामिल कर लें काबुली चना, ये है खाने का सही समय

साउथ सिनेमा सेरोगेसी से लेकर प्राइवेट तस्वीरें लीक होने तक, श्रीराम को मांसाहारी बताने से पहले इन विवादों में फंस चुकी हैं नयनतारा Source link

जानें घर में ताजा और पौष्टिक मल्टीग्रेन आटा कैसे तैयार करें, सिर्फ फॉलो करें ये स्टेप्स

जानें घर में ताजा और पौष्टिक मल्टीग्रेन आटा कैसे तैयार करें, सिर्फ फॉलो करें ये स्टेप्स

Multigrain Flour Recipe : क्या आप जानते हैं कि आप घर पर बहुत आसानी से पौष्टिक मल्टीग्रेन आटा खुद बना सकते हैं? मल्टीग्रेन आटा विभिन्न अनाजों के आटे का मिश्रण होता है जो स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत ही फायदेमंद होता है. इसमें गेहूं, जौ, बाजरा, चना आदि अनाजों के आटे का मिलाया जाता है. मल्टीग्रेन … Read more