पेट भरा होने के बावजूद लगती है भूख तो हो जाइए सावधान ! कहीं आपको तो नहीं लग रहा ये गंभीर रोग

पेट भरा होने के बावजूद लगती है भूख तो हो जाइए सावधान ! कहीं आपको तो नहीं लग रहा ये गंभीर रोग

Binge Eating Disorder: पेट भरा होने के बावजूद अगर आपको भूख लग रही है तो सावधान हो जाइए. क्योंकि जरूरत से ज्यादा खाना खाना और हर समय सिर्फ खाते रहना गंभीर बीमारी का संकेत है. इसे बिंज ईटिंग डिसऑर्डर (Binge Eating Disorder) भी कहते हैं. ये साइकोलॉजिकल हैबिट है, जिसका इलाज समय पर करवाना बेहद जरूरी … Read more

Include this food in the food… without medicine, immunity will increase and many diseases will not come near

Include this food in the food… without medicine, immunity will increase and many diseases will not come near

Food For Boost Immunity: Include this food in the food… Without medicine, immunity will increase and many diseases will not come near Source link

Rice and Banana do not increase weight but reduce it by eating like this

Rice and Banana do not increase weight but reduce it by eating like this

Weight Loss: One thing that has bothered everyone in this modern lifestyle is the problem of increasing weight. Many times we get so much troubled by our increasing weight that without consulting any doctor, dietician, nutritionist, we sit in our mind that eating these things leads to weight gain. There are some things in our … Read more

Nutritionist Lovneet Batra Explains Importance Of Consuming Healthy Fats In The Morning

Nutritionist Lovneet Batra Explains Importance Of Consuming Healthy Fats In The Morning

Healthy Eating – In this article, we discuss the many benefits of eating foods high in healthy fats. Healthy eating: coconut is a great source of healthy fats In her recent video, nutritionist Lovneet Batra talks about the importance of eating healthy fats. Through her Instagram account @Nutrition.By.Lovneet, she begins by writing, “Many … Read more

Bollywood celebrity trainer mantra: A Yogic lifestyle, with asanas, diet and sleep, can control diabetes

Bollywood celebrity trainer mantra: A Yogic lifestyle, with asanas, diet and sleep, can control diabetes

What is your blood sugar level? It is the measure of concentrated glucose in your blood. Yogic science considers devitalization and improper digestive processes due to overeating, obesity, and lack of exercise to be some of the main causes of diabetes. Another causal factor is stress. The push and pull of the demands of modern … Read more

Healthy Eating Tips WHO: Know which rice consumption can prevent cancer

Healthy Eating Tips WHO: Know which rice consumption can prevent cancer

Benefits of Brown RiceThere are many varieties of rice found in India and they are cooked and consumed in some form or the other in every household. The nutrients found in rice are beneficial for health in many ways. The variety of white rice found in the market is now polished in many ways, due … Read more

Study reveals consuming high amount of protein during diet can lead to healthier eating habits

Study reveals consuming high amount of protein during diet can lead to healthier eating habits

Higher protein intake during diet leads to healthier eating Photo: iStock Washington: Eat a higher proportion of protein while dieting helps prevent fat loss body mass and it also leads to better food choices, according to a new Rutgers study. The study findings were published in the journal Obesity. An analysis of pooled data from … Read more

What should be breakfast, lunch and dinner in the rain, know what to eat and what not to eat

What should be breakfast, lunch and dinner in the rain, know what to eat and what not to eat

Monsoon Food: In Ayurveda, it is advised to change the food according to the season. That is, the diet should be like Ritu. During the rainy season, you need to be careful about food and drink. Diseases and infections spread rapidly in monsoon. In such a situation, your carelessness can take a toll on your … Read more