Meet Olivia Farnsworth, a UK Teenager Who Doesn’t Sense Pain or Hunger Due to THIS Rare Disorder

Home Women Meet Olivia Farnsworth, a UK Teenager Who Doesn’t Sense Pain or Hunger Due to THIS Rare Disorder Shocking! 14-year-old Olivia Farnsworth can’t feel pain, hunger or danger due to a rare condition called hormone 6 deletion. As per doctors, she is the only individual known to be incapable of sensing all three stimuli. … Read more

बार-बार भूख लगने का क्या है कारण, जानें क्यों हर थोड़ी थोड़ी देर में क्यों खाना खाने का करता है म

Frequent Hunger : भूख लगने पर हम सभी खाना खाते हैं. इससे शरीर को एनर्जी मिलती है. आमतौर पर एक इंसान दिन में तीन से चार बार खाना खाता है लेकिन अगर भरपेट खाना खाने के बाद भी भूख महसूस हो तो तुरंत सावधान हो जाना चाहिए. कुछ लोग इसे कमजोरी मानते हैं लेकिन हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स … Read more

Can even seeing a photo of your favorite food satisfy your hunger? claim in study

When we feel hungry, it seems that we can get anything to eat from anywhere. When we are hungry, we are ready to eat those things which we do not like at all. By the way, nowadays new restaurants have opened in every street and streets. But many times we get stuck in such a … Read more

Do you also feel hungry at night? So the reason for this is not less food, but it is…

Reasons For Midnight Craving: It must have happened with you sometime or the other that you suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and rats started jumping in your stomach. The first problem is that what to eat if you eat in the middle of the night. The second problem is that even … Read more

These snacks are best to eat if your eyes open from hunger while sleeping

Midnight Hunger: It happens to all of us that suddenly the eyes open due to hunger while sleeping (Midnight Hunger). In this hunger, he does not feel like eating food, but without eating anything, he does not even sleep. In such a situation, unhealthy and deep fried snacks are often eaten in the name of … Read more

Excessive hunger is not a normal condition, it could be binge eating disorder

Binge Eating Disorder : If you or someone you know is eating more food than you need or more than your appetite, or he is feeling hungry again and again, then he may be a victim of binge eating. It is a kind of disorder. Binge eating is a habit of overeating or a problem … Read more

Do not tolerate hunger to be thin, rather manage it, learn the method of hunger management

How to control weight without dieting: Navratri is about to come and there is a long group of people who have thought that with the fasting of Navratri, they will start the mission of controlling their weight. This happens every time, every 6 months, when Navratri is about to come, then people do so much … Read more

Want to lose weight but hunger is felt throughout the day, eating these 5 things will reduce cravings

Healthy Snacks For Hunger: To reduce obesity, a lot of papads have to be rolled. You have to control all three things diet, exercise and lifestyle, then somewhere the weight comes under control. Your diet is most important for weight loss, if you are taking too many calories in a day and burning very few … Read more