Does eating fish reduce heart disease? Know what health experts say

Does eating fish reduce heart disease? Know what health experts say

Eating fish also helps improve cholesterol profile. Fish contains omega-3 in abundance. It contains high lipoproteins (HDL). Which helps to increase good cholesterol. Besides blood circulation, it plays an important role in the elimination of cholesterol. Good cholesterol helps reduce lipoproteins (LDL). This is often called bad cholesterol. According to research, LDL is known to … Read more

हल्दी पानी में चिया सीड्स मिलाकर रोजाना खाली पेट पिएं, मिलेंगे यह गजब के फायदे

हल्दी पानी में चिया सीड्स मिलाकर रोजाना खाली पेट पिएं, मिलेंगे यह गजब के फायदे

Health Tips: हल्दी पानी में चिया सीड्स मिलाकर रोजाना खाली पेट पिएं, मिलेंगे यह गजब के फायदे Source link

If you want to look young at the age of 40 then start taking this supplement from today itself.

If you want to look young at the age of 40 then start taking this supplement from today itself.

Essential Supplement For Women: Aging is a natural process that you cannot stop, it is a natural change that everyone has to make. In old age, there are many problems like pregnancy difficulties, slow metabolism, changes in periods, menopause, not being able to control urine, signs of aging on the face, etc., however, with healthy … Read more

World Stroke Day: Lifestyle changes, healthy foods, exercises to prevent stroke

World Stroke Day: Lifestyle changes, healthy foods, exercises to prevent stroke

world stroke day it’s just around the corner and it’s the perfect time to raise awareness about lifestyle changes that can prevent a stroke and reduce the chances of a second stroke. To avoid the risk of stroke, the best thing that can be done is to manage chronic diseases such as high BP, diabetes, … Read more

World Arthritis Day 2022: Foods to eat and avoid in arthritis

World Arthritis Day 2022: Foods to eat and avoid in arthritis

World Arthritis Day 2022: World Arthritis Day, an annual celebration dedicated to raising awareness of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, is observed every day on October 12. Arthritis, inflammatory joint disorder affects the joints and other connective tissues and causes excruciating pain. Although there is no treatment available for the disease, early diagnosis can help control … Read more

Mood swings: 4 nutritional deficiencies that can affect your mood

Mood swings: 4 nutritional deficiencies that can affect your mood

You should probably listen to your mother when she tells you to eat homemade food instead of ordering it in a restaurant, not only to have a healthy body, but also to balance your mood and improve your mood. mental health. Most mental health conditions depression to anxiety are caused by meinflammation in the brain … Read more

Confirmed! Study names the ONE nut that could keep you healthier as you age

Confirmed! Study names the ONE nut that could keep you healthier as you age

People who ate three-quarters of an ounce of walnuts a day for 30 years considered themselves younger and ate a healthier diet, exercised and were less likely to succumb to heart disease. Photo: iStock New Delhi: Talk about healthy fats and one of the richest sources are walnuts. And an expensive and extremely healthy product, … Read more

5 amazing nutrients to support your mental health

5 amazing nutrients to support your mental health

What you eat during the day can literally make or break your day. Feeding your brain the right kind of nutrients and a high-quality diet can improve focus, mood, and energy levels, ultimately helping to increase your productivity in whatever you do and also promote happy hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin. (Also read: … Read more