Sleep is broken again and again at night due to these reasons, know what is the reason for your problem

Sleep is broken again and again at night due to these reasons, know what is the reason for your problem

Wake up During Night Sleep: Due to repeated breaks in sleep at night, neither the mind becomes calm nor does the fatigue of the body disappear. Together the mind becomes low mood, so different. Because repeated sleep breaks do not allow the brain and body to recover, so the mood is not good. In such … Read more

At what age, how many hours of sleep does your body want, know here

At what age, how many hours of sleep does your body want, know here

Relation Between Sleeping Hours And Age: Children need more sleep than adults. Because children’s brain is developing while sleeping. This is the reason why young children sleep more than adults and as the age progresses, the sleep hours keep on decreasing. However, the formula of fixed sleep of 7 to 8 hours is applicable to … Read more

Keep this one thing under the pillow while sleeping, you will get very good sleep

Keep this one thing under the pillow while sleeping, you will get very good sleep

Benefits Of Garlic For Good Sleep: To stay fresh throughout the day, it is very important that a good night’s sleep is complete and uninterrupted sleep is complete. That is, sleep should not be broken in between and dreams should not come. Because a good night’s sleep makes the next whole day better. This makes … Read more

Such symptoms are found by sleeping more than the body’s need, diseases increase

Such symptoms are found by sleeping more than the body’s need, diseases increase

Sleep Too Much: It is often said about sleep that you must take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. If you get less sleep than this, you get sick. Sleeping less not only keeps you physically tired but also increases mental fatigue and sadness. However, the worse the less gold is, … Read more

Can’t sleep properly at night? Do try this remedy once

Can’t sleep properly at night?  Do try this remedy once

How To Get Good Sleep: Sleep deprivation is becoming a major disease. Due to not sleeping well at night, energy remains low throughout the day and irritability remains. Due to less sleep, BP and other lifestyle related diseases also increase. If you are also a victim of insomnia, then definitely try these remedies. There … Read more

Why can’t you sleep? body is giving you some signals

Why can’t you sleep?  body is giving you some signals

Sleep Disorders: Since childhood, we have been hearing that Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Knowing this theory, most people do the exact opposite. Meaning nowadays people sleep less and wake up more. Whatever be the reason, it affects our overall health. We cannot understand why this … Read more

If there is trouble in sleeping, then follow this method, Nindia queen will be surrounded as soon as she lies down

If there is trouble in sleeping, then follow this method, Nindia queen will be surrounded as soon as she lies down

Sleeping Tips: You want to have a good night’s sleep, but even after lying in bed for hours, you cannot sleep. This is really disturbing because because of this, you do not feel completely energetic and refreshed the next day. Due to this, yawning and fatigue prevail throughout the day, which affects the work of … Read more