This weight loss technique was the most trending in the year 2022

Keto Diet: Keto diet was also very popular this year to reduce weight. Carbs are not consumed in keto diet, but proteins, healthy fats such as meat, fish, chicken, meat, egg, seafood, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, nuts, cashews, almonds are included. , Source link

What is the ‘54321’ technique for dealing with anxiety?

Health Tips: Unhealthy lifestyle, run-of-the-mill life, brings with it many problems. One of them is anxiety, it is a mental disease in which the patient feels negative thoughts, anxiety, fear along with intense restlessness. Its symptoms include sudden hand tremors, sweating, nervousness, about 15% of people in different metros of India are victims of anxiety … Read more

The problem of depression and anxiety can be overcome with this technique.

Box Breathing: In today’s run-of-the-mill life, everyone is a victim of stress and depression. Unhealthy lifestyle and above all the threat of corona is making everyone physically and mentally ill. Due to stress and depression, a lot of change is also seen in the way of behavior and conversation. Although there are some exercises to … Read more

An Ode to Pull-Ups

Was i think Am I hanging from this bar? I think I’m an ape. I think I’m a trapeze artist. I think I’m Jason Momoa. I think I am a 54-year-old man with a questionable shoulder experiencing, by the pound, by the ounce, the precise terms of my contract with gravity. That’s one thing you … Read more

Unlike chemo, radiotherapy, this technique will eliminate cancer!

Cancer Study: There is hopeful news for the treatment of cancer patients. If the scientists’ test is successful, then new technology will be developed in the treatment of cancer. Doctors say that cancer is a deadly disease. The reason behind this is that information about this disease is rarely available in the first stage. In … Read more

3 Pain-Relieving Exercises for Your Lower Back 😃

3 exercises to relieve lower back pain  US Masters Swimming .

What is cold pressed technique, know which cold pressed oil is best to eat

Best Cold Pressed Oil: Mustard oil, refined oil or any kind of seed oil like sunflower oil, soybean oil, sesame oil is used for cooking in most of the homes. Nowadays it is advisable to use cold pressed oil in food. Actually cold pressed technique is that in which oil is extracted by pressing seeds … Read more