Do you also use mouthwash frequently, so be careful!

Risk of oral cancer from mouthwashes: Cancer is a deadly disease that can develop due to the growth of cancer cells in the body and some factors can activate cancer cells. One of them is mouthwash. According to a new Belgian research recently published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology, two bacteria Fusobacterium nucleate and … Read more

You will save thousands of rupees at the gym, if you do these 6 things at home, you will burn calories in a jiffy, you will be fit and healthy.

You will save thousands of rupees at the gym, if you do these 6 things at home, you will burn calories in a jiffy, you will be fit and healthy. Source link

The body will stay cool even without air conditioning, just do this work from breakfast to dinner.

Rujuta Diwekar Tips for Summers: Even after half of June, the heat does not subside and the body temperature increases due to humidity and sweat. You cannot live without air conditioning and cooler, but if you also want to maintain your body temperature at 40 degrees, then you should consume these three things from breakfast … Read more

By drinking this juice, are you gambling with your health in the name of profit?

Side effects of packaged juice: Often people look for shortcuts in cooking and use packaged foods. But these packaged foods are prepared by adding lots of calories, sugar, salt and preservatives, which can have an adverse effect on health. One of them is canned fruit juice, which most people consider healthy and drink every morning. … Read more

Drooling from the mouth during sleep is not normal, there may be serious reasons for this

5 causes of drooling at night People find it quite normal to have saliva dripping from the mouth while sleeping and think that perhaps it happens during sleep. But experts believe that if saliva flows from the mouth for a long time, it can be a serious problem that we should not ignore at all. … Read more

If children demand to eat pizza, know the dangerous consequences before doing so.

Side effects of pizza :Can someone die from eating pizza? You will say how this can happen, pizza is very tasty and children also like it very much. But a surprising case has come to light in a US town in Texas, where an 11-year-old girl ate pizza at school and then had such an … Read more

What is hydration therapy, which Arjun Kapoor addresses, know what its benefits are.

What is hydration therapy: Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor recently shared some of his photos on his social media account, in which he is seen with a drop in his hand and smiling while lying on the bed. As soon as his photo went viral on social media, fans got scared and thought he had fallen … Read more

This bitter thing can also increase the problems of diabetic patients, otherwise one should keep distance from them today…

Health tips: The number of diabetic patients in India is increasing day by day, the risk of diabetes is increasing rapidly not only with age but also among young people. This is partly due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, which cause people to become victims of diabetes at an early age. But most people … Read more