How is working out different from yoga and running? Know how important it is

How is working out different from yoga and running? Know how important it is

Yoga, running and exercising, any type of workout, both have different types. You gradually see the benefits of yoga. It is very important for the physical and mental development of a person. It reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, asthma and heart disease. Yoga reduces the risk of diseases like stress, anxiety and depression. This … Read more

Can women taking oral contraceptive pills exercise or not? Revealed in the study

Can women taking oral contraceptive pills exercise or not? Revealed in the study

Contraceptive pills: A big revelation has been revealed in a research conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras. It has been said that if women taking birth control pills do strenuous exercise (during which their large muscles are activated), their blood pressure does not change. Women use the oral contraceptive pill to avoid … Read more

20 minutes of exercise a day and every muscle in the body is toned.

20 minutes of exercise a day and every muscle in the body is toned.

Easy exercises to tone muscles : To stay healthy and fit, it is very important to train. To train, you have to lift heavy weights in the gym or at home. Many people do not do exercises to avoid this, but now you will not have to do it, because today we are going to … Read more

When to exercise to lose weight, knowing the ideal time: morning or evening

When to exercise to lose weight, knowing the ideal time: morning or evening

Morning or evening training : To control your weight, working out is very important. Most people go to the gym in the morning or evening or work out at home. However, very few people know what is the best time to work out. Working out at what time in the morning or evening helps to … Read more

Obsession with being fit can make you a heart patient, you can also fall into depression.

Obsession with being fit can make you a heart patient, you can also fall into depression.

Working out causes a heart attack : Does your obsession with staying fit make you a heart patient? Are you creating depression in your mind by thinking about fitness? This question is due to the fact that today many young people are suffering from heart attacks due to this problem. In the recent past, there … Read more

वर्ल्ड फर्स्ट एड डे: सीखें फर्स्ट एड का सही तरीका

वर्ल्ड फर्स्ट एड डे: सीखें फर्स्ट एड का सही तरीका

World First Aid Day : जब भी हमें किसी दुर्घटना या चोट की स्थिति में आचानक मदद की जरूरत होती है, तो हम फर्स्ट एड या प्राथमिक उपचार करते हैं. फर्स्ट एड का मतलब है किसी व्यक्ति को उसकी जरूरत के हिसाब से तुरंत मदद पहुंचाना, ताकि उसकी हालत में सुधार हो सके या उसे … Read more

Can you prevent diabetes if it runs in your family?

Can you prevent diabetes if it runs in your family?

Yes diabetes runs in your family, there is a good chance that many of you are pre-diabetic and some of you will eventually have diabetes. However, whether due to genetics or other factors, there are ways to reduce your risk by leading a healthier life. Lifestyleform healthy habits and minimize your risk of getting diabetes … Read more